R34: update page, footer, profile feedback

Jul 17, 2008 14:24

Post an Entry page
We made modifications to the "Show this entry to:" drop-down on the Post an Entry page to reflect what actually happens:
  • If the journal or community you're posting to has a minimum security set, that level will be selected and the other options grayed out. The other security options are available when you edit the entry, since that is the only way to edit the security setting on an entry posted to a journal or community with a minimum security setting.
  • If you're posting to a community, the private and custom groups options disappear, since you can't post to a community privately or to filters.
  • If you're posting to a community, the text "Friends" changes to "Members", since it's members of the community who will be able to view the locked entry.

Updated the site footer so there's just one for both Horizon and Vertigo, and added a language selection drop-down. [ before & after]
update (Friday): We will revisit the visual design to better match the site schemes, and refine the footer overall so the links still fit when translated into other languages. Please continue to leave us your feedback.

Profile Beta
Thanks for your feedback. We're currently working on design revisions, focusing on the concerns you have brought up regarding the top part of the page. In the meantime, we have fixed some bugs that you reported: community is now spelled correctly, friends lists names are lined up, sections that were supposed to be displayed that weren't (like watched by) should now show. If you notice any other bugs, please let us know.

ui, profile, update page, site scheme

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