Release 86

Oct 24, 2011 23:41

Release 86 has just gone live!

New Features / Improvements:

  • Community owners can now make use of the Google Analytics feature for their community. (Previously, this feature was only accessible for personal journals.) Note that only the owner of a community can activate this feature; maintainers are not able to define or view the Google Analytics ( Read more... )


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markf October 26 2011, 01:20:06 UTC
Completely hypothetically, if we wanted to incorporate functionality to easily switch between accounts into the site itself, I'm wondering how this would best be implemented.

What I think could work:

Homepage: Change username in header to be a dropdown menu w/ alternate accounts.

Navstrip: Change username in header to be a dropdown menu w/ alternate accounts.

Comment form: Change username in header to be a dropdown menu w/ alternate accounts.


1) Where else, if anywhere, would it be needed to have the ability to switch usernames? Changing the "Post to:" dropdown on the update page to include your alternate accounts rather than just communities seems worth consideration, but could potentially result in an overly large dropdown in some cases.

2) How should the list be populated? The options I see are to have it automatically populate based on email address, or to create an accounts management page where you manually add each account you want to appear in the dropdown. Alternately, some combination of the two where a list is created by default for you based on email address, but you can add/remove accounts from it.

3) When commenting/posting an entry, should you remain logged in to your current account, or the account used to make the comment/entry?

4) Anything else that would be desirable in this feature?


ldymusyc October 26 2011, 01:26:31 UTC
Mark, instead of burying things like this in comment threads, edit the post so everyone can actually see it.


gillyboy October 26 2011, 01:59:44 UTC
Why isn't changing the "minor" edits back an option? Because it should be.


flicketyflick October 26 2011, 02:00:52 UTC
Are you even reading what your customers are telling you? We don't want a new feature. Undo your "minor edit" so we can use the same features we've been using.

Stop rendering the service we are paying for useless.


shinybooze October 26 2011, 02:02:02 UTC
How about, completely hypothetically, you stop fixing what ain't broke and address everybody's privacy concerns on here first? Unless you did, and they're fixed, and you promise to stop jerking us around.

If that's the case, then stop fixing what ain't broke. Just. Stop. Doing. Things.

I mean, really, if you guys did that, HOW MANY OTHER THINGS WOULD YOU END UP BREAKING IN THE PROCESS? Because you always break things. You never, ever, ever do it right. You guys have the shittiest management philosphy: piss off the customers giving you money. I am amazed you're still in business!


shinybooze October 26 2011, 02:08:02 UTC
It's a good idea. It is. But you dumbass fuckholes can't be trusted to do it without pissing off your loyal user base. I don't know what kind of management philosophies you guys have over their in Russia, but this is a really dumbass business model you fuckasses are follow. Can't you maybe hire competent people? Please?


shinybooze October 26 2011, 02:09:02 UTC
*over there. Fucking hard to type when I'm raging at you guys.


lavaliere October 26 2011, 02:04:17 UTC
or, you know, you could change it back so people can use lj juggler/lj login again. since making any further alterations will likely cause even more issues than what people are already experiencing.

tl;dr: fix what's broken, not what already works.


werewolf_hacker October 26 2011, 02:10:23 UTC
We had functionality. Before you broke it.

And I certainly hope you're communicating how to fix it with the developers of the applications. Because the way you implemented this was inexcusable. Both the developers have shown up on this thread, and instead of addressing either of them, you're over here going "derp how can LJ implement something similar hurr hurr."



stainedlotus October 26 2011, 02:12:57 UTC
plznospoilers October 26 2011, 02:14:26 UTC
4) Anything else that would be desirable in this feature?

Letting it be outsourced by someone else who has it working while other problems are addressed. Please?

But it's nice to know you're beginning to listen, so thanks for that.


failara October 26 2011, 02:14:32 UTC
kinda loving this idea. i mean i use ljlogin too, but if you're changing the system and not changing it back, and people are gonna cry about every single little tweak that infringes on their convenience anyway, then this seems like a good solution. LJLogin isn't affiliated with LJ in any way-- if they want a heads-up, they could at least ask for it with some common courtesy.

the privacy issue is pretty legit, though-- good luck getting that fixed.

1- i don't think we need it in the Post to: dropdown since it'll be in the header anyway and we could always just refresh the page.

2- definitely add manually. we do that already with LJLogin, i think it'd be easier on you guys if there was just a page on LJ where we can manage the accounts. and it'd feel awfully invasive if we had to manually remove accounts we don't want associated if it populates automatically.

3- it would be easier to remain logged into your current account, but how are you guys gonna handle icons? it's fine to just log into the new account from the header. it's how ljlogin basically works anyway.

4- should have the option of not having our linked accounts displayed. i don't really like auto-refresh either but that's a personal preference.

thanks for all the hard work, dude. coding's rough.


cake_and_dreams October 26 2011, 02:14:43 UTC

What everybody else said. And ffs, fix the fucking font in the html post holy hell.



clockwrkangel October 26 2011, 02:27:38 UTC


iattractmushi October 26 2011, 02:33:01 UTC
You know, if I had the slightest confidence that you could actually do this without messing it up royally, I'd say go for it. But since I don't, I don't see the point of answering your questions, either.

Somehow I doubt you're going to change this thing back, since you're under the delusion you've done us a favor. But I ain't holding my breath you're going to do this right, either.

Think I'll wait for the creators of LJ login to fix what you broke. Which, you know, they're not even paid to do. So they're already about 10 times better than you, in my books.


Fix the problem and stop making excuses. shoujo_bubbles October 26 2011, 02:36:49 UTC
Hypothetically, how about you learn to express any level of concern and care for your customers?

I am beyond happy that I've never given money to your company. I've considered it before, but I'd rather not giving how utterly tactless I find you.

You should find someone who knows how to speak to people to be the representative for things like this. I honestly am not intending to be hateful to you, but you really need to learn to SEE how royally pissed off your customers are.

Stop telling us that you know you made a change that affects something that such a large amount of your customer base uses, that you have absolutely no intention of trying to fix. Fix. It. Learn to provide customer service. I am very much aware that Livejournal is not the creator of LjLogin, however, it's inexcusable to deny your customers the ability to use it, or something like it.

I could care less about offering you advice on how I think you should implement a system like it in actual Livejournal. You have developers for that. They need to do their jobs correctly. Stop trying to make a show of asking us our opinions like you actually even care.

Holy crappy customer service, Batman. Granted, who can be surprised when your website has gone through a ridiculous amount of errors and downtime in the past several months?

Absolutely no love whatsoever.

Also? This isn't the place for your questions. How about you make a separate feedback thread, or you and your developers can do their job correctly without making life difficult for so many of your customers?


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