It's that time again! That time when I start creating long lists of things I need to do in order to get myself hyped up to get them done!
- Print Anime Spectacular event schedule stickers & apply to flyers for store
- Make splash page for Cary's website with links to twitter & facebook groups
- Get birthday present for father, possibly tom baker Doctor Who related...
- Clean room. Dust, swiffer, vaccuum, clean off desk.
- Start working on cosplays 4 Soycon & Otakon
Pants & shorts done needs hemming. Lots of hemming. Then Kamina's wig. - Get Cary's website up and running...even if it's static with a few jquery effects. Waiting on him now really as I need content to fill things with.
- Go through all cosplay wigs, wash them and donate old ones to kids at anime day.
- Work on trivia for anime day
- Get the damn polystyrene from Ryan already. Seriously.
- Comb dollar stores, Walmart, & Target for odds and ends to make Simon's drill prop. My old idea for the handle isn't going to cut mustard.
- Work on Naruto Panel
- Study up on some photography stuff regarding shutterspeed, ISO settings, and the dreaded indoor lighting. I want photoshoot quality pics for Otakon. No exceptions.
- Somehow find time & money to go to ren faire.(HOMEMADE SOAP AND PORTEBELLO BURGERS!)
- Sell some of the anime boxsets I didn't care for and all my Bleach and Naruto manga for extra cash. If necessary. I've sort of outgrown them anyway...