end of the semester

Dec 11, 2007 21:39

Well, the semester just ended and I am SO happy. I know that I hardly have time to write on here anymore but I'm going to make more of an effort. This Christmas break will be a very nice chance to relax after all of the hardwork I put into my classes. I'm rewarding myself with a trip down to Orlando, which is long overdue!! Alot has happened during this semester.I met alot of new people at JSU. Most importantly, I've discovered alot about my inner strength,being myself, and exhibiting patience. God has an amazing plan for each of us and we just have to wait and see what he has in store.This semester I got a job a job working in the nursery at the Jacksonville First United Methodist Church! I LOVE the children there. All in all, everything is going great. I'll be going to see Lindsey Swaiger and her new baby boy later this week, as well as going to see my cousin Leigh graduate from the UofA nursing school (I'm very proud of her). Well I'm off for now! More later =)
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