I signed up for Jack_Ianto_LAS!

Dec 12, 2010 18:07

Clearly, AGAIN, I am OUT OF MY BLOODY MIND. Should be fun, though.

If you need an explanation of what signing up for jack_ianto_las means, go see
remuslives23 's explanation. It's better than anything I could write to explain it, and I'm too lazy to go find some other version of it or copy/paste anything. And while you're there, read her fic. She's BRILLIANT. :)

In other news:

1. Yes, still writing the sequel to Past Tense. It's coming along nicely, I think! And I really should be writing it right now...

2. I've just finished an epistolary, J/S, WIP I've been working on since November 27th in sherlockbbc_fic . Would anybody, preferably a BBC Sherlock fan, be willing to beta it so that I might post it all cleaned up on my journal? My usual TW beta is a bit busy with things I've already given her. To anybody who offers, thank you! :)

( Originally posted at http://lizzledpink.dreamwidth.org/16112.html )

pairing: jack/ianto, update, fandom: torchwood, challenge: jack_ianto_las

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