I've signed up for jack_ianto_las!! Because I need more to do. :) For those who aren't familiar, jack_ianto_las is a challenge for Jack/Ianto writers. Every two weeks we write a fic of under 1000 words and you - the wonderful reader - votes. Each entry is anonymous and the Last Author Standing wins a banner and $10 voucher for Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
We need 20 players to get off the ground, so pop along
here to get more information about the different fandoms to choose from or
here which is where I signed up for the jack_ianto_las (but there are plenty of other fandoms to choose from there!).
Don't forget to read the rules first.
I have five fics I need beta read as my usual beta is busy in RL right now and I don't want to bother her. Pairings vary (all slash), 3 are HP/TW crossovers, most are smutty. I basically need SpaG double checked (it shouldn't be too bad), continuity, and that the damn things make sense and aren't really as boring as I find them after six thousand reads. They're all fairly short - the longest is just over 2000 words.
So if one or more of you lovelies would be able to look them over, I'd appreciate it.
*begging hands*
This entry was originally posted at
http://remuslives23.dreamwidth.org/136526.html. Please comment there using OpenID.