So a looong time ago one of the girls on my friends list had mentioned Ash Evil/Ash stories and how they don't seem to exist. For those of you who don't know, Ash is the main character of the Evil Dead movies, played by the amazing Bruce Campbell, and Evil Ash is one of the villains in Army of Darkness, who is created when ash swallows one of the mini Ash versions of himself towards the middle of the film. Evil Ash grows out of good Ash's shoulder and eventually detaches himself and tries to kill good Ash. After he is dispatched and Ash buries his evil doppelganger he goes on in his search for the Necronomicon. Lightening strikes the grave of the recently dead Evil Ash and he becomes the Deadite Captain, played by the also amazing Bill Moseley from TCM2 and Devils Rejects.
Anyways the girl on my friends list had said she wanted to read some Ash/Evil Ash stories, and I offered to write her one, which I worked on for a long while trying to do something that was not to over the top, but my computer died and with it everything on it and I lost the story. Today I came across a LJ group dedicated to Evil Dead slash! I hope it makes up a little bit for me never getting to send her my story I wrote for her.
Click here for Evil Dead goodness!!!