Believe -1/3- (WonKyu Fic)

May 05, 2013 16:30

Title: Believe
Pairing: WonKyu
Genre: College!au, Comedy, Fluff, Romance
Rating: R (heavy swearing, drinking)
Summary: Kyuhyun is the philosophy department starchild, priding himself on understanding everything he encounters. Siwon comes in as the challenger though in a class project. Between arguing over who is right and wrong, Kyuhyun feels something for Siwon he doesn't quite understand. Maybe this time he'll believe in something he can't explain...

You know those big questions in life?

Like, why are humans on Earth?, does everyone have a soulmate?, is God real?...

And, what bothers most people on a daily basis,

What's the meaning of life?

Well, Kyuhyun didn't have to worry about any of this because he had all the answers...

Or at least answers for himself, and no one could change those.

Years of philosophy courses had taught him that making a choice, after days and days of deep, intricate thought would prove useful in the real world.

...But by "days of deep intricate thought", it was actually more like a couple of hours between midnight and 4am sitting wine drunk at his computer trying to write philosophy papers but forever getting distracted by sales on Steam and other online gaming stores.

It's fine though.

Kyuhyun was the star pupil of the philosophy department.

He would turn in these magnificent papers with these grand ideas argued to perfection, no flaws in sight, and he received A+s on every, fucking, one.

"How the hell do you even do it, Kyuhyun?" Kyuhyun was hanging out with his roommate Changmin one night after winter finals were over. It was toward the end of break and Kyuhyun had just finished registering for classes, piling on three upper level philosophy courses in his last semester of senior year.

What the hell was he thinking?

"How do I do what?" Kyuhyun took a swig from the wine bottle they were now passing back and forth.

"How do you manage to pull these ridiculous grades out of your ass when all you ever do is sit here with me, drinking like your dad just told you santa isn't real, and playing video games to distract you from your theoretical dead dog?"

Kyuhyun smirked at Changmin. Where Kyuhyun didn't need to work, Changmin had to work 10 times harder...........but let's be real, he didn't really.

He kept his grades up enough to keep his scholarship, but was there anything he really needed to do for school beyond that? His job as a bartender seemed to have more promise than his polisci major, even if he did have a wicked internship with the mayor.

It was fine.

He needed to enjoy life a little before being sucked into the black hole that is the world of politics.

And he did so by getting drunk, with his friend, and playing video games.

Because nothing was better.

Anyway, Kyuhyun's reply was less than satisfying for Changmin.

"It's because I'm smarter than you, obviously."

"You couldn't tell me the first thing about the Afghan government if I paid you."

"Why the fuck would I need to know that?"

"I'm just saying!"

"Right, and you couldn't tell me what the hell a Communist is, let alone what Marx talked about in the Communist Manifesto."

"Who says I need to know that!?"

"You're the polisci student here. Not me. I'm just here to talk theory and drink wine."

Changmin chucked a pillow at Kyuhyun, hitting him in the head and sending his headset flying. He glared at Changmin, who was now smirking at his best friend.

"I'm going to bed, asshole. I don't have time for this theoretical bullshit anymore."

"IF YOU CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT, THEN GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN." Kyuhyun shouted at Changmin as he left the room.

Changmin left, flipping Kyuhyun the bird behind him, leaving Kyuhyun sitting there in a fit of giggles.

As the giggles died out though, Kyuhyun realized he was alone again.

And for as stupid as it was, he wished he wasn't.

Okay, so Kyuhyun isn't the sappiest of people, let alone does he ever reveal any sort of tangible emotion to anyone he wouldn't trust with his life, but nonetheless, if there was one thing he wanted, it was a relationship.

He was graduating in a semester, Changmin was going abroad for a year to study British politics in London, and while the other members of his friend group, so aptly named "Kyuline" would still be there in Seoul, they'd be busy with school. And he knows they take it way more seriously than he ever could.

He'd pretty much be alone, and usually he was okay with that, but, there was something about the idea of late night philosophy talks with a bottle of wine and, well, not Changmin for once. It's happened before, but Kyuhyun is a tough nut to crack, and appeasing his intelligence level is like trying to get a shark not to eat a dead seal when it's thrown right in front of it.

It takes determination and skill to keep Kyuhyun on his toes, and so far, no one has been able to do that.

Again, it was cheesy, but he wanted someone just to hold a conversation with him. A conversation about ideas, about theories, about something that wasn't related to a drunk mishap that happened 8 months ago at a freshman dorm.

He wanted something bigger, something better, something to make him feel like he was worth a lot more than he realized.

Kyuhyun realized he was drunk spiraling into his feelings again and decided that then would be the perfect time to go to sleep.

It wasn't worth getting upset over, or over thinking.

These things come when they're supposed to, right?

He had nothing to worry about. It was fine. He just needed to get some rest.

In a week or so, he'd be back on his A game, which included a little less time to sit and overthink his aptly developed loneliness.


The week passed and it was the first day of classes.

Snow covering everything, and making it difficult as fuck to walk to campus with a blinding hangover.

He couldn't see straight for fuck's sake, so why couldn't the campus facilities clear off the sidewalks?

Had they no decency?

Kyuhyun's first 2 classes went okay.

They were British philosophy, which he had with Changmin, and Existentialism, a class which he was more than positive of his capabilities to do well in.

The final class of the day was Philosophy of the Existence of God.

Personally, Kyuhyun didn't believe in such things as that, but that didn't mean he couldn't argue that God exists otherwise.

Kyuhyun could argue his point any way he wanted.

He liked to think of it as a gift.

But upon entering the room that had no windows, 15 seats, and an actual chalkboard, the likes of which he hadn't seen in years, he knew he'd be arguing his real point of view for this class. Also, it kind of helped that he was in the class with about 13 other students who were Theology majors, and one other kid from his philosophy major. Unfortunately, the kid, named Donghae, couldn't argue his way out of a balloon.

Kyuhyun recognized Donghae immediately and decided to go sit by him. They were decent enough friends, having hung out more than once, but Donghae played soccer for the school, and for Kyuhyun, sports weren't really a reality.

Kyuhyun plopped down in the seat next to Donghae and let his bag fall to the floor. Luckily for Kyuhyun, Donghae was easily excitable by other people who gave him the time of day and stopped snacking on his goldfish just long enough to see that his pal was occupying the seat next to him.

"Kyuhyun! Hi! You're in this class too?!" Donghae said, goldfish crumbs spitting out everywhere as he talked. He reached over and hugged Kyuhyun through their seats, making it only slightly awkward for Kyuhyun who wasn't much for physical contact.

"Hey Donghae. Yeah. Last semester, so I thought I'd take an easy class, you know? Get that A+ without much effort."

"You're so smart, Kyuhyun. I wish I were half as good as you at this stuff." Donghae said, chugging a bottle of water afterward.

That whole stereotype about jocks being really nice, but also really stupid, like stupid in the sense that they couldn't always remember that tomatoes were actually fruits,...that was exemplified perfectly by Lee Donghae.

"Nahh, you're smart too. Why do you think you're in this class?" Kyuhyun patted Donghae on the back, sending the younger into a fit of smiles.

"Thanks, hyung."

"It's fine." Kyuhyun smiled a little, just because Donghae always had that effect on him. Kid was actually hilarious once you got to know him, and yeah, Kyuhyun could stand to hangout with him a little more this semester. Maybe Donghae would be around next year to hangout with? He was close with Kyuhyun's friend Minho because they played soccer together, so that was a plus. Maybe they'd get to be better friends.

The professor entering the room broke Kyuhyun from his thoughts long enough to see Donghae slightly choking on a goldfish, which Kyuhyun tended to with a couple hard pats on the back, receiving a small smile of thanks from Donghae immediately after.

"Good afternoon, class. This is Philosophy 386, Philosophy of the Existence of God. I'm Father Reagan, your professor for this semester. And if you don't want to have to rethink your whole philosophy on life and the existence of God, then I suggest you leave right now. Because once you know this stuff, you cannot not know it."

The professor stood by the door with a smug smile on his face.

Kyuhyun had had his classes before, finding them to be the most enjoyable he'd taken. For a priest, this guy was an asshole, and Kyuhyun loved it. He was blunt and to the point, but he didn't want anyone to do poorly. So he pushed his students to rethink their previous knowledge, and, well, while Kyuhyun told Fr. Reagan he was being challenged, he really wasn't.

And who cared if he was lying, he was going to get excellent recommendation letters and a good contact out of this.

That was all that mattered.

Suddenly, as Fr. Reagan was standing at the door, it opened from the other side, and in strode someone Kyuhyun had never seen before.

The guy was tall, dark hair shortly kept, squared jaw, broad, his coat covered in a dusting of fresh snow, scarf now hanging off the edges and threatening to fall toward his snow-covered boots.

If Kyuhyun were to say he didn't think that this guy was handsome, his pants would be aflame from the lies.

"Sorry, Professor. It started snowing again and I got caught in the middle of it. You'd think facilities would have the decency to clear the sidewalks, you know?" the man said in his deep voice, shaking the hand of the professor and chuckling at the end of his declaration.

At least he understood Kyuhyun's beef with the facilities on campus.

"No worries, pal. But let me tell you, if you don't want to rethink your whole philosophy on life and the existence of God, you better leave now, because once you know this stuff, you cannot not know it." Fr. Reagan stated once more.

Kyuhyun knew this was his mantra, but it never got old.

"No, sir, I think I'll be just fine here. I'm Choi Siwon by the way."

"Take a seat Mr. Choi."

And Siwon did take a seat, right next to Kyuhyun, smirking at Kyuhyun before pulling out his pen and legal pad and taking a swig of his coffee.

He was immediately focused on whatever bullshit Fr. Reagan was spouting at the front of the room, while Kyuhyun was focused on him.

Kyuhyun sat in awe of his attractiveness, hitting him in the face like the Titanic hit that iceberg back in the day, but it was what came out of his mouth next that really intrigued Kyuhyun.

"Now, who will be the representative to argue in favor of the existence of God for the semester?" Fr. Reagan asked the class.

Siwon immediately raised his hand, well, his thumb and first 2 fingers.

"I will. God is my Lord and Savior. I will argue as his representative this semester, sir." Siwon smiled after the sentence left his mouth.

"Ah, good. And Kyuhyun, would you like to take the lead for the opposition?"

"Wha-Sure. Yeah, I will, professor." Kyuhyun was knocked back into reality at that moment.

"Excellent! Now, shall I lay the foundation for you all?---" Fr. Reagan kept talking, but Kyuhyun didn't hear it.

All he heard was a "good luck, Kyuhyun" whispered into his ear from none other than Choi Siwon, noticing a smug smile on his face as he turned in reaction to the statement.

If the fact that he couldn't breathe while Siwon was sitting next to him didn't already give him enough of a clue, this was more than adequate to let Kyuhyun know he was in for one hell of a semester.

God help him.

fluff, romance, kyu, cho kyuhyun, fanfic, choi siwon, comedy, college!au, wonkyu, shisus, otp, kyuhyun, siwon, fanfiction

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