Yeah, so I guess my LJ is re-opened. No clue why I'm doing it, but when have I ever had a clue as to what I was doing?
Anyway... got some new stuff. New computer (fucking pain in the ass trying to find all my old links and settings and whatnot). It's black and silver and shiny. 2.0GHz processor, 160GB hard drive, 512MB RAM, and a CD-RW/DVD drive. I still need to go buy a video card for it.
Some idiot, who shall remain nameless (Father), decided that he wanted to get, not one, but two mastiffs for the purpose of breeding them. So, we've got two very nice horse-dogs living in our house. Honestly, on their hind legs, they are taller than me. It's scary. We named one Zoe (pronounced like Joey with a Z instead of a J) and we have yet to name the other (we just got her yesterday).
My friend Chip talked me into reading the Harry Potter books... well, not really talked me into it. I was ready to read them after seeing Goblet of Fire. And damn me for reading so fast. Three days... three days to read Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Half-Blood Prince. WTF? I wanted to read them slow, kinda buy some time for the next book to be written and published. I blame JK Rowling. It's her fault I kept picking up the books to read. Oh well... Anyone know when the next book is supposed to come out?
Also... I refuse to believe that Snape killed Dumbledore. Waaay too many hints throughout the book that are to the contrary. Non-verbal spells, for example... also, a mention of the Draught of Living Death. Not even gonna go into the fire thing at the funeral, or the fact that Fawkes didn't even attempt to save Dumbledore.
... and Bellatrix is a bitch and I fucking hate her... So is Umbridge.
But Snape still rocks the funky beat. :-D
So... Um... yeah... I thought I had more to say. I suppose I should get back to work on my top-secret project. I'd tell you what it is, but then I'd have to kill you. And I don't have addresses for like, at least 75% of you.