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Aug 09, 2010 18:33

view from the yard - the posh seats

The 'posh' seats - for which you pay a fortune and get to see the backs of the actors' heads through the play. Money well spent!

view from the yard - under the sheet

This was the sheet we stood under for 'Macbeth'

view from the yard - the stage

About the only bit of set dressing 'Macbeth' had but used to good effect

the globe

The outside of the Globe

the globe again

The outside of the Globe again

Lady Macbeth (Laura Rogers) and Macbeth (Elliot Cowan)

Nabbed these from the Globe's FB page - just some 'Macbeth' stills

Macbeth being all kingly

Macbeth and the Witches (Is this a dagger I see before me?)

Macbeth, Duncan and other cast members

Macbeth and the Witches again. Frequently shirtless Macbeth was frequently shirtless

Macbeth and Lady M, post getting it on (slightly). Told you about the frequency of the shirtlessness, didn't i?

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