Since all of my local friends were either sick or otherwise engaged, I went to the movies by myself. No biggie; I do that all the time if I really want to see something, and nobody is available to go with me. I had a pair of free passes given to me by a coworker, so now I can go see a second movie for free. There was a preview for an upcoming George Clooney movie that caught my eye...
The theatre complex was pretty busy, which surprised me. I had to park pretty far out in the lot. It's a nice Saturday afternoon, and who knows how many more of those we'll get this year? The theatre itself was about half full.
The movie was fun, quite enjoyable. I had a good time, and laughed a lot. It's funny but not stupid, and George, Ewan, and Jeff Bridges were all up to their usual level. I'm not really a fan of Kevin Spacey, but he played an unlikeable character, so that worked for me. There were some fun in-jokes (Ewan MacGregor's character didn't know what a Jedi was), and the flashbacks full of New Age hokeyness made me giggle quite a bit. I know people who believe all this stuff. I may be a Witch, but I have a healthy sense of skepticism. ;)
Plus, the goats were cute. Thumbs up for The Men Who Stare at Goats.
I saw another preview for a flick that I think is called Pirate Radio, and that looks to be fun as well. Also, Jack Davenport (Norrington from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies) is in it, and I think I have a crush on him. I don't know if it's his voice, the accent, or what, but my antennae go up whenever I see him in something. (Don't worry, George is still #1)
Lest you think I didn't get out and enjoy the nice weather today, let me assure you that I took a nice walk down to the library, where I got out
ellen_datlow's Poe (which I plan to buy when I have actual spending money, someday), and Douglas Clegg's Isis, a supernatural novella set in Cornwall. Sounds spine-tingly. I took the long way home, enjoying the sunshine and nifty cloud formations. Ooh, and I was treated to a lovely sunset on the ride home from the theatre. Great, swirly cirrus clouds lit in pink and purple.
I'm hoping that we get a nice sunset tomorrow, too; this month's contest on's RAW is silhouettes, and the photo must be taken this month. I have a tree in mind that would make a nice silhouette against a sunset.