
Mar 21, 2009 10:55

I actually slept in until 8:30 this morning, but then I was up well past 11 last night watching the BSG finale. When you factor in DST, it was actually my usual sleep schedule for a Saturday morning. *sigh*

***Spoilers! LJ cut isn't working for me at the moment. Sorry!***

I was mostly satisfied with the finale. Although, if Lost leaves things as ambiguously, I will be very upset indeed! I was glad that they really found Earth at last, and that Roslin lived to see it. I wasn't particularly surprised that they ended up coming here in the distant past, and are our ancestors. Making Hera mitochondrial Eve was a nice touch. Having the fleet crash into the sun was an explanation for why we haven't found it, but what about the craft they flew down in? I'm picturing a sequel where, right after one is found deeply buried in Africa, the Cylons come back and the whole cycle starts again. It would be consistent with their premise of "all of this has happened before, and will happen again."

Still, I was left with as many questions as answers. Kind of like your typical episode of Lost (which is becoming more and more aptly named, but is still amazingly entertaining). What was Kara's true nature? And phantom Gaius & Caprica? It was certainly one of the best-written, topical, and thrilling series ever, and I give the creators props for ending it before it got bogged down in ever more spiraling mythology. One should always leave viewers (or readers) wanting more, not less.

I'd like to watch the whole thing again from the beginning, to see how it works now that I know the ending, and to pick up the clues I missed the first time around.

***end spoiler zone***

Tonight is the coven Equinox ritual ("I come! I come! You have called me long," says Spring). I have to think of something to make for the feast (theme: Primavera). I think I made couscous last year. Must dig through the larder to see what I have to work with.

Tomorrow, I'm heading over to mom's for a visit. She has promised me homemade bean soup and other goodies. Hopefully I'll also get to see my sister, who had her knee-replacement surgery last week. She's in a rehab center right now, because she lives on the third floor, so getting up there would be quite difficult.

I would dearly love to take a nap, but then I wouldn't sleep very well tonight. I should go for a walk, but it's rather cold today. *sigh* I should get off my butt and do something, I suppose!

bsg, coven, equinox, family

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