Supernatural 1.10 and 1.11 Reaction Post

Jul 28, 2010 13:42

Hopefully I'll be done with season one by the end of the day.

Asylum was pretty scary and I loved that the spirits weren't attacking, they were just communicating. Also, the things these boys always say when they're possessed or angry is so sad and brotherly. And Sam and Dean talking in unison just warms the cockles of my heart.

And that town in Scarecrow, holy shit! As soon as I saw the guy on the cross I started screaming "Kobold, it's a kobold, oh my god!" Because that town is so much like the one in the "My Ainsel" section from American Gods. It's perfect, and all the other towns around it are becoming ghost towns, but not this one. That scene where they're all standing around with the umbrellas sent shivers down my spine

And then Sam stopping the car and heading to California on his own? *wibble* So sad, but so necessary for both of them. And it's like they're daring each other to stick together, because neither of them really want to go their separate ways. God, my boys are so codependent. And Sam watches until the car is completely out of sight. And they come back for each other, they always do, because when it's your brother and he's all you have left, you just can't stay away.

And that May girl is some kind of creepy vampire person. Something tells me this isn't the last I'll see of her. Please tell me I'm right.
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