Even more comment fic

Dec 31, 2009 16:40

I've written fifteen more stories for caramelsilver 's  incredible Three Sentence Fic-A-Thon, which currently has 3508 comments and is still going strong.

Doctor Who
Doctor Who, Mickey/Jake, honesty
"I'll start: when I was eight, a bunch of bug-eyed monsters came out of the sky and stole my grandma - this was my world, not yours - and I only escaped by running into a church - your turn"

The game goes on like this for a while but it takes a turn for the serious when Jake says, "Ricky was the best lover I ever had and you look so much like him so I think - I think I'm going to kiss you now."

There's a slightly stunned silence while Mickey processes this statement, "I'm okay with that," he finally answers, and he smiles because he knows he's telling the truth.

Doctor Who, Rose/Five, kiss and run
Rose sees the man in cricket whites on the bus, and wonders what team he's on and why she's never seen him before. When he looks across the aisle at her, she feels her heart flutter as if she's known him for a long time. She grabs his hat at runs after him; "Thank you," he says vaguely, "I must be on my way," and then he kisses her lightly on the cheek and he's gone without ever telling her his name.

Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Neville, will you join in our crusade, who'll be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?
He's always led a sheltered life - his grandmother made sure of that. But there comes a time when everyone is forced to grow up far too quickly - that's when he catches his first glimpse of the sky. It's stormy and violent, but it's something worth fighting towards, so it's him who rallies the students, even when the whole world is falling apart and everyone else is cowering in fear.

Harry Potter, Hermione, pre-series
"Her? Oh that's Hermione Granger," they whisper when she walks by, "She thinks she's better than all of us, just because she can read books faster than us". They resent her because they don't understand that it's just what she does. That doesn't matter though - she can bring friends like Gulliver and Peter Pan to life and they won't think badly of her.

Star Trek
Star Trek, George Kirk and Chris Pike, hero-worship
The image is almost gone, he's thumbed through the article so often, just trying to figure out what could have possessed the man to rush into danger like that. Did he know before he died that his name would be on the lips of every schoolchild with the smallest interest in soaring among the stars? Chris stares into his eyes and sees the answer - if he acts out of love and trusts others to do their part, he'll be just as great a man as George Kirk.

Star Trek, Bones/Jim, getting to see Joanna at Christmas
She's beautiful - a vision in red - and she only gets lovelier when she sees him, "Look, Daddy" she cries, as soon as he's in earshot, "they made me wear a dress, but I told them you'd put an end to that nonsense."

McCoy smiles bigger than he ever has for Jim and answers, "Well, Ms Joanna-banana, you've gotten a smidge taller since I saw you last, but other than that, you haven't changed a bit. Now I'd like you to meet the greatest friend a man could have, James T Kirk; I'm sure you'll get along great."

Star Trek, Uhura/Sulu, rock 'n roll

It doesn't surprise her one bit that he likes psychedelic rock, in fact it's actually pretty cute. But she doesn't want to escape into a dreamy imaginary world; she wants to act and make things change. So it's heavy metal for her because she gets so angry when people (like Jim and Spock) can't figure out how to get along.
  Star Trek, Kirk/McCoy, "You really need to get out more."
"Nonsense," the captain replies, "My duty is first to my crew, and I can't just leave them."

"But Jim, you can hardly make lucid decisions if you're suffering from sleep deprivation - and don't try to deny it, I've read your files."

By now he knows better than to argue with his CMO so he smiles as he answers, "Alright, I'll cave - do you want to go on a date with me?"

Narnia, all-male!Pevensies, at school their teachers had no idea how to handle them
Mr Pierce sighs and holds his head in his hands, "No, Lucas, the point of warfare is not to 'die with honor', as charming an idea as that might be."

He's barely finished speaking when Edmund leaps up to correct him, "Actually, sir, he's right: in some places - different lands and different times - war is a struggle of domination and submission where it's better to die than to be captured for sacrifice."

Afterwards, Sam and Peter laugh uproariously at the description of his face as he sank back down into his chair and waved them out of the room.

Narnia, Peter, Lucy's first suitor
"If you lay one finger on her...," he menaces darkly, but the man in the green cloak holds up his hand.

"My apologies," he says, "I won't hurt her - I only wanted to see her face, I only wanted to return home and say I had bowed to Lucy the Valiant - I swear, my lord, I meant no harm."

Peter smiles, and it's like the sun coming out of the clouds, "I just wanted to see that you were honest - you can go see her now."

Narnia, Edlyn and Lucas, young
At first she was simply bemused when her parents explained that she was going to have a new baby brother or sister, but slowly became jealous of this person who hadn't even arrived yet.

And then Lucas was born and he was so tiny and vulnerable that she felt an overwhelming need to protect him. What's more, he never pushed her around or told her to go away just because she was a girl, like her other brothers did.

Narnia, girl!Edmund/Susan/Peter, this is our land
Susan saw the two workmen walk towards the wardrobe and as they bend to pick it up she dashes forward, "No!" she screams, a child again, "You can't take it away from us - you just can't!" She feels Edlyn and Peter come up on either side of her and feels much stronger and braver. "I'm sorry, there's no way you could have known," she continues in a more subdued voice, "but this is our land."

Abstract Concepts
Anthropomorphic objects, keyboard/mouse, lover's spat
She doesn't want to believe, and is able to hide her face from what she has seen for a long time.

But when she sees the stylus on top of her keyboard, she is no longer able to avoid disaster. She knows all the right buttons to push, after all, they've been married since before that floozy was even born and she is the one to walk out with her head held high.

anthropomorphic objects, rain/ocean, the shape of singing
When the ocean's alone and has no one to hear her sing, it sounds hollow, even to her. Sure, it rolls and surges and makes waves, but it's nothing special, it has no substance, no shape.

And finally the rain returns and they paint a picture with their words - it's one great circle and it's beautiful.


Merlin/Narnia, ensemble, the world between worlds When Merlin was a very small, they said he could see spirits, and it was true; he felt it when the trees changed into into a golden gleaming essence filled with not-pools of dry water and knew it was a different world. He saw another boy stretched out next to one of the pools and asked where they were. Digory yawned sleepily and answered that this was the wood between the worlds and that they'd both been there forever.


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