More commentfic!

Dec 23, 2009 08:00

Well, I've written twenty-five more three sentence fics since the last time I posted. I'd be embarrassed but I'm too busy being addicted to it.

Eleven Narnia, One Shakespeare, One Twilight, Seven Star Trek, Two Abstract Concepts, Two Disney and one Doctor Who.

Narnia, Edmund/Peter, Edmund uses sarcasm and clever words against their enemies because Peter likes it so

"Let me get this straight," Edmund starts, "You're going to possess me?" and the hooded figure nods. He glances at his brother, a breath behind him, and goes on, "The thing is, I've already been possessed a couple times before; I should think I know how to fight it by now." This is all leading up to one final irrefutable argument, "And if you haven't heard all the stories, I honestly don't believe you have the mental capacity to possess anyone let alone me." - Peter moans with delight and Edmund grins at him: he's already won.

Narnia, girl!Ed/Susan/Peter, die for my country
"Sweet and glorious, my ass," mutters Ed as she binds a wound on Peter's leg - he won't die if she has anything to do with it. "Don't, Ed," Peter says weakly, "if I go it's all for Narnia," and Ed nods at the words she can't believe anymore.

Susan wraps her arms around Ed's waist and the three of them hold a silent vigil, praying that help will come soon.

Narnia, girl!Ed, "sons of the theif, sons of the saint"
She never expected to have a child: she's always been too young, too violent, and far too busy. But then again, she used her powers of seduction to steal state secrets for years now and it was bound to happen eventually. She's only gotten what she's snuck around to earn and she'll be as good a mother as she was a Puppet Mistress: it's for Narnia, after all.

Narnia, Edmund/Peter, he uses sarcasm and clever words because Peter likes it so much
"Let me get this straight," Edmund starts, "You're going to possess me?" and the hooded figure nods. He glances at his brother, a breath behind him, and goes on, "The thing is, I've already been possessed a couple times before; I should think I know how to fight it by now." This is all leading up to one final irrefutable argument, "And if you haven't heard all the stories, I honestly don't believe you have the mental capacity to possess anyone let alone me." - Peter moans with delight and Edmund grins at him: he's already won.

Narnia, Peter and boy!Lucy, Peter tries to give boy!Lucy the talk about "being responsible" and boy!Lucy is just like "free love, Peter!"
"You need to understand that they're not like us: they're delicate and can be hurt much more easily," Peter explains patiently over a bowl of soup.

Lucas takes a bite of his apple and laughs merrily - he sounds like a bubbly creek and Peter can't help but understand how he's broken so many hearts. "Silly Peter, they call me the Gentle for a reason," he says as he tosses the half-eaten apple into his brother's lap and smiles cheekily.

Narnia, Susan, walking in the rain
The streets of London are cold and gray, but Susan loves it there. Rain is always refreshing because at least it's not snow - she's seen enough of that to last her a lifetime. And it never makes her think of death because her brothers and sisters are so alive, even though no one can see them.

Narnia, Peter girl!Ed boy!Susan and boy!Lucy, pickpocket!AU: confidence tricks.
Sam and Edlyn
Sam is nervous - he hasn't picked a pocket in years, and if he messes up, it's all their necks on the line this time. Edlyn takes his his hand, "Don't worry," she says, her eyes dusky, "I'll cover for you."

So he fools himself to trust in his own skills and slips out into the crowd.

Peter and Lucas
Lucas is getting too old for this and it won't even be convincing for much longer, but it's so much fun. So he runs his fingers through his light brown curls to make it look even more disheveled and turns his eyes as wide as he possibly can before tugging on the old gentleman's sleeve. "Can you help me - I'm lost," he says pitifully and buys enough time for Peter to slip his hand into the man's other pocket.

Narnia, Lucy, by the fire

After she helped the faun with his packages he invited her to his cottage and told her wonderful stories. Lucy stares into the fire and feels herself drifting off to sleep with the sound of pipes in her ears. Mr. Tumnus will take care of her, she's confident.

Narnia, Lucy, knowing and believing
There are things you know with the mind and there are things you know with the heart. In this land of dreams of dreams and shadows of half-forgotten memories, it's sometimes hard to remember which is which. So you need to believe in these things or you'll go mad with despairing doubt and doubting despair.

Narnia, boy!Lucy/Lucy, love all around.
Lucy giggles and claps her hands. "I don't believe it," she keeps saying, "I'm a boy!" She catches Lucas watching her out of the corner of his eye when he thinks she's not looking and smiles even more broadly.

Othello, Iago(/Othello), That which shall not be named
Oh look at the sweet little maid before me,
Who speaks not the words I've slipped in his mind.
What goodness is this, o whore of denial?
Thou must not know how well I know thy husband.

Twilight, Renesmee(/Leah), to the lengths of your endurance
Leah runs ahead of her up the mountain and turns back, laughing at Mary, who tosses her red hair and dashes the last few feet. They begin to race and gather speed until they are twin whirlwinds supporting each other. They could continue this until one, or the other, or both, is out of breath, but it never ever gets old.

Star Trek
Star Trek, Kirk/Bones, celebration
It's his birthday and he's just been promoted to Admiral so he should be happy. But it's also the anniversary of his father's sacrifice and the last time he'll see his ship (lovely lady that she is) for a long while. But then Bones comes into his cabin to warn him of "Romulans bearing gifts" and he can't help but be happy.

Star Trek, Bones/Scotty, using each other
The first time it was an accident, but it all ended with Scotty collapsing in front of Leonard's office with a gash six inches long in his leg.
"You know what they say," he lectured, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice--" He was interrupted as Montgomery gestured impatiently at his leg.
"I'll see you around," he said as they each went their separate ways at the end of the five year mission.

Star Trek, Uhura, one-girl revolution
She's always considered herself a bit of a historian, so when she finds the Twentieth Century Beatles album she seizes on it immediately. It's true what they said, she muses as she's rocking out later that evening, They all want to change the world - all the worlds - and all too often communication gets in the way.

So she spins around the room, her own little revolution, and anyone who can't keep up with her orbit is just going to get left behind - Alright!

Star Trek, Uhura, funerals
Nyota has mixed feelings about funerals - on the one hand, she's sad that another friend is gone, but on the other, it's all a celebration of life so she feels a calming sense of joy.

And then the Enterprise and Nero and Vulcan and Spock happen and all that changes. As she hears the names of the cadets who were on the Farragut, she allows her tears to melt the hard knot of guilt for tricking her way into life.

Star Trek, Kirk/Sulu, Kirk has the reputation but it's Sulu who cheats
"I still say that anything slower than warp is boring," Sulu maintains in a continuation of their age-old battle.

"Yes, Hikaru, that's all well and good, but my point still stands - what are you doing in my cabin?" asks a very annoyed James T Kirk.

"Well, Chekov's a bit boring," he admits, "I needed someone a bit more... adventurous."

Star Trek, George Kirk, a hero
"Oh, George, he's beautiful," she murmurs through a voice choked with tears, "just like you," and he thinks I don't want to be a hero, I just want this moment, right here.

"This is for you, he answers, and he wants to hug her so badly, but she's too far away, "and for him, but especially for you."

Her answer is cut off by the static and he rushes into the fray, no longer a husband, but a hero.

Star Trek, Kirk/Bones, Pike is proud of them

"I now pronounce you man and ... uh ... man," declares the clergyman, and no kiss has ever tasted sweeter, except perhaps their first, stolen in the back of a supply closet.

After the ceremony, Pike makes a point of going up to them and shakes both their hands solemnly before turning to Jim, "That quality I was telling you Starfleet desperately needs - you have it. You saw what you wanted and weren't afraid to fight for your right to keep it."

Abstract Concepts
Anthropomorphized Fandom, fic-writer/canon/fanfic, the stories we cling to
In my head, Edmund was born a girl (she's called the Puppet Mistress, the devil's whore and worse), Iago and Othello share true love (it's perverted and born of hate, but it's there), and Rose is best friends with Martha (eventually they both run away from the TARDIS and buy an apartment).

Of course, Lewis, Shakespeare, and Davies cry out that those things are simply not true: if you just look at the text, that's obvious.

I smile and explain that this is just something I have to do - they nod and stay silent but they just don't understand and never will - these are the stories I cling to and no one's going to take my dreams away from me.

Anthropomorphic objects, oasis/desert, a place of refuge
The desert may be dry and dusty, but there's life in her yet, even if it's only the oasis who knows this. He writes poetry about the hidden streams of love she feeds to him and how her hair sparkles in the sun when she dances. No matter how far away he travels, she will always protect him from the people who want to steal his life.

Beauty and the Beast, Belle, fairy tales
She knows what she can and cannot do here; she's read all the books and memorized the rules by heart, just in case. She knows that an ugly face can hide a beautiful heart but she also knwos better than to sneak into his room with a candle to see what he really looks like.

She will do everything right so as to be deserving of her prince.

Mary Poppins, Michael, carried away on a kite
After the wind switches to the east again, his father takes them kite flying, which he hasn't done for years and Micheal's glad he hasn't forgotten how it feels to take flight while standing still. Except...suddenly he isn't standing still and he sees his father running and shouting after him to "stop that nonsense at once" but he's too high up to yell back that he can't stop it, that the kite has a mind of its own.

When dusk comes, he keeps his eye on the second star to the right and waits for morning.

Doctor Who
Doctor Who, Doctor/Master, on Gallifrey before looking into the Time Vortex
"Koschei, hurry up, I want to set the trap before the elders get back," moaned Theta, hopping from foot to foot in his impatience.

Intent on completing his equations, his best friend barely looked up as he answered, "It'll be no good if we don't do it exactly right, now will it?"

"Or we could just go and do it now and just see what happens," he whined, and Koschei blew him a kiss as he finished the last of his calculations.

narnia, doctor who, comment!fic, shakespeare, awesome shit, star trek

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