all the fics I've written for the three sentence fic-a-thon

Dec 16, 2009 06:54

It's incredible how many fics I've written (twenty, not counting the ones I haven't had time to add to this). You've probably seen a bunch of these in an earlier post, but I'm lazy.

As always, you should all go see caramelsilver 's Three Sentence Fic-A-Thon. It'll be fun!

Behind the cut are 2 Doctor Who, 3 Star Trek, 4 Narnia, 1 Harry Potter, 2 Heroes, 1 Marvel Comics, 1 Merlin, 3 Thinky-Academic, and 3 Crossovers

Doctor Who

Doctor Who, Donna Noble, sometimes she had memories that didn't belong to her.
At night she sees things she's not supposed to see, hears things she's not supposed to hear. The most wondrous strange monsters appear to her, as well as the best and worst that this or any world has to offer.

And Donna Noble smiles in her sleep, somehow knowing that this is exactly where she's supposed to be.

Doctor Who, Jack Harkness and Ten (gen or slash), decisions.

Jack is all wrong, never ever changing or staying dead for any amount of time, and the Doctor is scared of touching him or looking at him or even being near him.

But he's even more scared of facing Martha once she finds out he's abandoned his friend once again, since he knows he won't have a good answer to her accusations.

So for now he'll just wait in a terrible limbo, not daring to move or choose, for fear that it will all crumble to dust.
Star Trek

Star Trek xi, Kirk/McCoy, road-trip

Near the end of their five year mission they decide to retrace the steps that led them to each other in the hopes that it will provide some closure. Jim starts off in Iowa among the cornfields and fondly remembers every bar he had visited, while Bones travels from Peach Tree to his alma mater and then goes to check on Jocelyn and Jo.

They arrive at the shipyard together after what feels like an entire lifetime, embracing and saying that they'll never part, ignoring the fact that someday they'll have to.

Star Trek XI, Spock/Kirk, sleepy Jim yawns, but pretends he hasn't been for the past half hour. Spock raises his eyebrow, as if to say you can't hide anything from me.

He laughs, rolls his eyes, and plants a kiss on the Vulcan's lips before finally going to sleep.

Star Trek XI, author's choice, fallen hero "Jim Kirk was my best friend," says the man at the front of the stage, and he falters and falls sobbing in a heap. He hears footsteps and then cold hands help him to stand on his own two feet.

"He raised both of us beyond what we ever thought we could be," the smooth Vulcan voice continues for him, "and so we are all each other's best legacy."


Narnia, Diggory Kirke and Uncle Andrew, mad scientist

He hears strange noises coming from the attic, and of course he's curious, but he's always been too scared to go up there and find out what's going on. He has other things to worry about: his mother's sickness, of course, and the new girl, Polly.

By the time he finally ends up in the attic, with its hundreds of boiling test tubes, and sees his uncle holding out two rings (one yellow, one green, he remembers years later), he's already forgotten it and wishes never to go back there again.
Narnia, Edmund, Edmund as a vampire
He can't count the number of times he's found himself staring at Susan's neck, or Lucy's, and yes, sometimes even Peter too, and wanting to possess it in the bloodiest way possible. At first he tried to fight his own nature, but resisting the urge to bite would only make it stronger when it finally did burst from his chest.

He sets sail one day and knows he won't return to Narnia until he is swept back by the tides of blood.

Chronicles of Narnia, Peter/Susan, those who call are not always answered

She blows her horn and the note hangs in the air mournfully. Peter, Peter, where are you, she thinks, I'm so lost without you. And then the phone rings and shatters the call for help as she learns that Peter can never come to save her again.

Narnia, Susan, at peace with the body's finitude, at peace with the soul's disregard of space and time If language is not the problem, then what is? The Pevensies and the Narnians all speak the same kind of English, and that makes sense, because the entire world is founded on and grounded in the experiences of a boy named Diggory Kirke, from London.

But the difference is something that can't quite be defined by the sounds that pass through the lips or enter the ears ~~ the difference is that the Narnians speak the language of magic.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, "Red, the blood of angry men"
"You killed my parents," he yells, rushing at her like a madman - maybe he really is a madman, it's hard to tell - and she laughs in his face.

"You silly boy, they're not dead - they've merely gone mad," she says, with the air of calmly repeating to a child that two and two is four, but of course they both know that what's been done to the Longbottoms might as well be death.

He raises his wand to curse her and he actually can curse her because he's filled with enough hate; she screams and screams and he knows that it is good.


Heroes, Nathan/Peter, hope is worse
Nathan can fly. No one believes it but Peter and he loves his brother so much for that. When they're together, they're invincible; but then he's alone, and this time when he dreams of flying, all he can do is fall.

Heroes, Matt/Mohinder, couch
"So tell me," said Matt, "how does that make you feel?"

"Since you can read my thoughts what's the point of this, anyway?" answered Mohinder, getting up from the analyst's couch.

Matt considered this and came up with a very professional answer, "You're right, we should just skip to the part where we have sex."
Marvel Comics

Marvel - Tony Stark/Peter Parker - Idolize
Peter's been waiting for this interview for a long time. He's going to make sure Tony knows just how inspiring he is to the bright new generation of heroes. "Mr. Stark," he stammers, "you were awesome and I love-- that is to say-- can I just have your autograph, please?"


Merlin, Uther, change over time is more than a graph
He didn't shed a tear (well maybe one, but only on the very deepest inside of his heart where no one could see it) as he kissed the boy (a king among kings, greater than his own father and father to his own sons) and gave him his blessing (off to a better place, a safer one).
Nothing can change in no time, you know that (anything slower that instantaneous must be gradual), but it still surprises you when you turn away for a moment (and to think that you've been asleep for a hundred years!) and everything is different in the time it takes you to return.
Tomorrow I will see the result of a choice I made so many years ago (lifetimes, a corner of my brain insists); tomorrow I will meet my son, my daughter, and my grandson.

Thinky-academic stuff

English, comma/period, always apart
One day Period packs his bags and goes out to see the world.

He arrives at a street with a new address right in the middle and all his neighbors come out to greet him.

"26 Caesura Blvd., Ampersandville," says Comma, "Welcome home."

Anthropomorphic objects, light/darkness, shadowThe shadow brings out both of their best features. "Our creation," says Darkness as he reaches for her hand and Light gains more substance at his touch. She punches him on the arm lightly and Darkness glows.

Anthropomorphic objects, keyboard/mouse, teamwork
"You always have the most interesting things to say," the mouse says wistfully, "And all I'll ever be good for is the legwork."

The keyboard disagrees strongly, saying, "That may be true, but baby, I get a click out of you."


Narnia/Harry Potter, Edmund/Ginny, we met in a dream
He takes one bite of the Turkish Delight and his eyes grow wide with wonder and trancelike waking dreams.

He doesn't know how long he sits there (though it feels like forever, a blissful poisonous forever); all he knows is that the queen has changed into a different pale face, with fiery red hair instead of frosty white. Her wide frightened eyes tell him not to trust something if you don't know where it keeps its brain before she fades away, and he holds out his hand, hoping that this bite (just one more, he promises himself) will show him the way to save her.

Narnia/Doctor Who, the tenth doctor and Edmund, "what a clever boy!"
It's the word "boy" that bothers him, he finally realizes: he hears it and he thinks How dare you - I have been a king and I have seen so much more that a boy should ever have to. It always sounds slightly patronizing, like this strange, tall, talkative man is patting him on the head or throwing him a bone.

But then they land and they run and they fight and fall down laughing and he knows that there are worse things in this world than an immensely clever man who thinks highly enough of him to return the complement.
Wall*E/Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Marvin & Wall*E, apocalypse

Marvin can feel all the diodes in his left leg popping and groans loudly. "Life," he says, "Don't talk to me about life, it's all a load of rubbish anyway."

The little squarish boxy robot lifts its head up at that word and prepares to save the world.

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