Because I'm too lazy to do my own homework

Nov 23, 2009 18:26

I'm going to ask you all to do it for me. I'm only halfway joking here. I have just been confronted with so much shit in the past few days and I want it to all just go away.

How does the structure of the following passage reveal that despite his masterful command of language for the sake of evil, Iago is batshit insane?

Othello, Act Two, Scene ( Read more... )

tok, shakespeare, aargh, real life, school stuff

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zempasuchil November 24 2009, 02:59:28 UTC
crisis of legitimacy - okay so I don't know much about the historical development of those revolutions, but I'm assuming this refers to a question of race and a question of nativism - that is, are whites superior to indians and blacks (the whites' answer was yes) and then does that determine who should rule, or are natives (that is, born in the New World) superior to non-natives (europeans) - and this is what the battle became, right? beyond that I can't compare and contrast the values of the creoles. I do know the llaneros were important in Venezuela.

what makes an event historically significant is whether it gets recorded and reported - whether it's important to a person who will record and recall it, how it can be used as an instrument of power and to shape social power, and whether it's important to the powerful people.

good luck on your homeworks! these are all so complex, man. in return, if you have any thoughts about Emily Dickinson and 1) nature/landscape in her poetry, and/or 2) gender in her nature poetry, maybe you could share them? ;) jk, jk :) :) :)


lizzie_marie_23 November 24 2009, 03:37:40 UTC
Ooh! Thank you! I'm pretty sure the main difference was in what kind of leaders rose up and how much their existence threatened the creoles. Pretty much all I remember is that in Venezuela the person who came into power was working with the lower classes as his base for revolution. This worried the creoles and they tried to suppress him, but were ultimately unsuccessful. And the geography of Argentina made it difficult to get a unified movement and it went through several leaders without success.

Oh, I am definitely stealing elements of that recording/reporting answer. Do you have any suggestions of events like that?

Hmm, it's been a while since I've read any Dickinson, but let's see what I can come up with. In Because I Could not Stop for Death, landscape imagery is important because it parallels her relationship with and acceptance of Death. The only lines I remember are "At Recess - in the Ring" and "A cornice in the ground". I don't remember where the dashes are and which words are supposed to be capitalized.

I read a really cute kids book, about thirty pages, that actually taught me about Emily and her life. Basically, a mouse moves into the room where Emily spent most of her time and they write poetry to one another. If it sounds like it could be helpful to you, I'll see if I can find it. ;)

(totally relevant: the Captcha words is "prussian well")


zempasuchil November 24 2009, 04:30:15 UTC
Bolivarismo, on the other hand... dude, if you get to Hugo Chavez, you might read some crazy stuff. Youtube "Alo presidente" and watch him call Bush a donkey.

oh I guess mostly I meant that he who writes the history determines the story. think about Haiti - the West didn't write about it so it became a nonevent for so very, very long. And the creation of Columbus's discovery - it is a single incident seen as incredibly important but it's not like his expedition did actually important substantiative things, they just found land and mistook it. but a great significance is attributed to Columbus himself.

That's really interesting - I'm not using that poem unfortunately but thanks! and the book sounds adorable but probably not what I need for my essay :) :) :) thanks though! and it sounds like you'll rock these questions.


lizzie_marie_23 November 25 2009, 00:55:53 UTC
Yay, Bolivar! we've been talking a bit about him and he's great. What do you mean by Bolivarismo, though? I've never heard of the term before. We probably won't get to Chavez because next we're moving on to the American Civil War and the war over Israel and Palestine.

That thing about writers determining the story is really appropriate for the kind of stuff we've been going over in anthropology so it'll definitely be good to use in my essay. Thanks! For my events I've decided on Napoleon's invasion of Spain and the Whiskey Rebellion, because there are so many layers of historiography going on there.

I plan to rock, and when I take over the world I'll list you as my partner in crime. <333


zempasuchil November 25 2009, 05:45:55 UTC
so part of Bolivarismo is the idea that South American states should unite like Bolivar intended them to, rather than being seperately Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela. And Chavez appropriates this idea and makes it part of his mission to bring the socialist revolution to everyone and everywhere, except he's being an authoritarian caudillo about it. he's also a little off his nut. he calls Bush a donkey on his tv show here


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