
Nov 22, 2009 23:17

Vhat the holy fuck? A kid in some small town was beat up because there had been something going around on the internet saying to attack redheaded people. He had several broken bones and some internal injuries. Fourteen kids were involved in this insanity and no arrests were made. Is there no justice?

"Q" is the cutest recurring character on Star Trek: The Next Generation. He totally reminds me of the Doctor. The continuum? Old people getting bored and just observing? He goes rogue? There's definitely some similarities there...

If honesty is the best policy, then Iago fails at life. Unless honesty just counts as having people trust you whether you're telling the truth or not. In that case, Iago is a genius among men.

Desdemona is so innocent and pure as to be utterly boring. In fact, the most interesting thing about her is when she's singing the song about going crazy and turning into a swan. She's even boring when she dies.

I don't think I'll ever finish Theory of Narnia. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to it.

Everyone should go read One Hundred Years of Solitude RIGHT NOW.

I'm really bored of the color green. I want suggestions for a new theme. Please and thank you

tok, doctor who, star trek, livejournal, narnia, oh dear lord, shakespeare, stories

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