Extended Essay and other crap

Nov 01, 2009 18:41

So it turns out I'm not quite done with my Extended Essay. I still need to find a blank disc to copy it onto, Dammit.

In other news, my Halloween was awesome. I was a knight of the round table. I banged coconut flavored lollipops together to be my horse and I sang "Brave Sir Robin". Then I met an adorable kid dressed as Science Officer Spock, and he let me hug him.

Then I went to a dinner party with Allie. Let me tell you a bit about him. This is a guy who knew me before I was born. We practically lived at each other's houses. Every Tuesday my mom and his mom sewed together and we played together. Back then it was simple and obvious: we were going to grow old together, and eventually I was going to marry him. I don't know why, it had just been a childhood fantasy that I never put into words, because nothing had to be said.
        But then, when I was eleven and he was twelve, he was talking about his girlfriend. I was crushed. We were still really good friends, of course, and we still are. Eventually, my family finally moved out of our crappy apartment building, but the house was two miles east of where we had been, and it got harder to visit one another.
        But he still comes to church and we see each other then. He can always make me laugh until I feel like I'm going to die because my chest hurts so much. I know we'll probably never get together like that, but it's worth a lifetime to have one good friend like that.

extended essay, dream, regret, aargh, real life, school stuff

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