Me and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Oct 30, 2009 19:15

I uploaded this icon for the express purpose of describing how I feel today.

Today I had an important in-class essay in Literature, so I left twenty minutes early. I got to the station but then it was ten whole minutes until the train came. But it was an express train and it passed me by. Ten minutes later, a train actually stopped for me and it was slow as hell. It stopped on the tracks two times because either there was a problem with the train in front of us or there was a problem with the train we were on; it was hard to tell which. And THEN it announced that it was going express, which is great, right? But it was going to the stop directly after mine, the one no one gets off at. By this time it was pretty clear that I was going to be late. So I got off and waited for the next train, which also took forever and was also slow as hell.

So by then I was practically in tears because I knew I was going to be late. Luckily I remembered to get a note from the train conductor explaining why I was late. I was totally messed up and pissed off. Once I got to the school I only had thirty minutes to write a forty-five minute essay. I got through the introduction and the first two body paragraphs and I was frantically working on the third when the bell rang and she made me leave. That paragraph was about the part of the poem I knew the best, too. I was so upset and I practically bit someone's head off when he asked me to sing some happy seventies music. And I LOVE happy seventies music.

In Conclusion: GRR, I HATE THE WORLD!!!!

regret, oh dear lord, aargh, real life

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