(no subject)

Nov 09, 2007 00:01

ok so there has been some things going on in my life and i needed to get some closure and this is the idea that i came up with...... well the song i used is "the hardest thing" by 8 degrees...... and everything in italics is the letter and everything in bold is the song......

Theresa laid there next to him…… wondering if she would wake him if she got up…… here she was…… and for once in her life she wasent merely “siryn” she was theresa and she was important…… well at least in his eyes she was…… she rolled over slowly and looked at logans resting face…… logan had told her once that when he was with her he could sleep like a normal man…… when he was with her he was at ease…… and that’s what bothered theresa the most…… she shouldn’t be here…… she shoule be at home with her boyfriend…… she was a taken woman…… granted wade wasent the most gentle of people but he loved her unconditionally…… he had become a wild man ever since the weapon x project turned him into the killer that dead pool was…… she felt guilty every time she was here with logan…… she loved logan deeply and passionately…… but she was with wade……she rolled over away from logan and tried going to sleep but couldn’t because the radio has been left on…… she lay in bed listening to the soft pattern of logans breathing on her back and the quiet melody of the radio…… she listened as the dee-jays changed over…… she smiled as she heard some familiar songs drift over the airwaves…… then she decided to leave and go home, she would get no sleep here…… she gently got out of bed and reached down picking up logans shirt…… she put it on and pulled it down over her bottom…… her creamy pale legs fully exposed under the seam of the shirt…… as she walked across the room she heard a song on the radio that sunk right in…… she listened to the words for a moment before deciding that this song was speaking to her…… she knew what she must do…… she sat at the desk and begin to pen a letter as she sang along to the song……

Dear logan,

I know you love me, but we cant be together.

We both know that I shouldn't be here
This is wrong
And baby it's killing me, it's killing you
Both of us trying to be strong

I've got somewhere else to be
Promises to keep
Someone else who loves me
And trusts me fast asleep

I've made up my mind
There is no turning back

But wade loves me more, he is my everything, I cant keep betraying him like this. I cant stand to see his heart break every time I walk out the door, he knows im going to see you. He knows that you have me trapped in you your spell. You think I deserve better then him, but I don’t, im not the wonderful person you portray me to be, and ive gone through a lot with him, and I cant say that you would stick with me in the same situations.

It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye
And tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry

You mean more to me than you will ever know, but I ant keep breaking his heart, you never made me choose, but in not choosing everyone only hurts more.

I can't let you see what you mean to me
When my hands are tied and my heart's not free
We're not meant to be

It's the hardest thing I'll ever had to do
To turn around and walk away
Pretending I don't love you

There may have been a time that I would have given up everything to be with you, but this is not that time, he deserves to have his woman at home to care for him and be loyal to him. He deserves to be loved the way he loves me, sure hes not perfect but neither am I.

I know that we'll meet again
Fate has a place and time
So you can get on with your life
I've got to be cruel to be kind

Like Dr. Zhivago
All my love I'll be sending
And you will never know cuz
There can be no happy ending

We will always be tied together by the memories weve shared, the moments weve had, I know that I love you and I know that you love me, but no matter what we cant be together, not now.

I love you logan, and Im sorry for every tear that you shed over me. But I must go to where I belong.



She finished and folded the paper neatly and dried her tears as she gathered her things…… she was leaving and paused at the door way looking at his sleeping form, “I love you” she whispered quietly as she closed the door behind her……

A little while later she arrived at home…… she wass still wearing logans shirt and knew that ot would hurt wade, she had always tried to keep her affair with logan a secret. When she entered the house she noticed that wade was sleeping on the couch…… he stirred as she closed the door behind her…… she passed him quickly and made her way towards the bath room where she hopped in the shower…… she wanted to wash any traces of logan off of her…… when she got of of the shower she went into her room wade was sitting on the bed logans shirt was at his feet…… “you were with him weren’t you?” he asked looking more then just depressed…… she looked at him with tears in her eyes saying nothing…… “I love you theresa, I want you to be happy, im not going to make you choose” he got up and begain to walk past her and out of the room…… she stood in front of him not letting him pass…… when he looked up at her with his sad eyes she wrapped her arms around him…… “I chose you” was all she could manage to say…… “why did you choose me? I thought he was the one you would pick.”…… he turned his face from hers so she couldn’t see the stream of tears building along his pock-marked face…… a few of the words of the song drifted through her head as she tried to pick the right words……

She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that

She looked at the heart broken man as he stood there in her arms…… “because you deserve better then that"
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