Dec 07, 2004 11:39
known facts:
* hell = tuesdays.
* hell x2 = tuesdays + rain + dry heaving + going to a swim meet your not in + having a head ache + having nothing to do.
that is today summed up for you.
since i have posted a good amount has happend..heres the update:
1. i crashed my car (correction: my moms car). i hydroplaned and ran into the NEW toyota matrix in front of me which ran into the LEXUS in front of them. guess whos paying to fix all 3 cars (coming to a total of about $9,000) IF YOU GUESSED ME YOUR RIGHT!
2. i have been suspended from the swim team (starting last monday to yesterday). there is a rule on the team that if you are caught with/doing alcohol, drugs or anything with tobacco you are kicked off or suspended from the team. i assumed this would apply if you were caught during this having to with school (on school grounds, at a swim meet/practice). i was wrong. my coach was driving behind me on my way home last monday and he saw me smoking. the next day (the same day i wrecked my car) he informed me i was suspended. it was great. damnit.
3. i have a zit near my lip that wont go away. its now a scab, which re-opens everytime i smile, laugh, yawn all that stuff. its everlasting. i hate it, i look like i have herpes. AH!
4. i made jake do bad at his first dive meet. my beauty distracted him hahaha!
5. my parents built me a new closet. i now have 2 closets. both are completely full. and i also have 2 dressers. sadly, this isnt all my clothes its just "fall and winter" clothes. the rest are packed away in the workout room (which we cant put work out things in because of all my shit!). i know i have a problem now that i have 2 closets. i need to learn money management. my one addiction, aside from cigarettes, is shopping.
this is all. ttfn. sorry its sooo long.