Jab the Second!

May 04, 2021 16:00

Got my second (Pfizer) shot today. I wore my periodic table t-shirt because I wanted something science-y; the shot-giver and I had a good time talking science t-shirts and being happy about vaccines at each other.

So far no side-effects. I'm a bit sleepy, but I suspect that has more to do with being up til the wee hours wrangling an incalcitrant scene into submission than it does with the vaccine.

Once again, I want to do something to celebrate! Dancing in the streets, or having a big party, or... all that stuff that we can't do. Yet. Soon, perhaps, eventually certainly, but not right now.

So instead, I'm... working on rewriting my resume. Oh, yeah, I know how to party, don't I? There's a job opening that I really want (as opposed to am willing to tolerate), at what is if not my first choice location at least my second. I would be happy to enthuse to them in an interview about what a wonderful fit we would be. Bringing that same enthusiasm at the cover letter/resume level is rather more challenging.

ETA next day: My arm is sore; not as bad as after jab the first, though it's lasting longer. (Also, I forgot to take paracetamol this time, until the next day.) Around 11:00 last night, the tired truck backed over me and parked there, but again that may have been due to factors other than the vaccine. (I got the cover letter done last night, and I'm happy with the result, but getting there was exhausting.) Mostly I'm feeling fine today; I suspect any residual fatigue is as much to do with not wanting to finish the resume overhaul as it is anything my immune system may be up to.

ETA 2: Okay, no, this is a little more tired than I can reasonably attribute to other causes (although the cat horking up a hairball at 3:00 am also has something to do with it). However, it's just tired, nothing apocalyptic. If I didn't have this application to deal with, I'd have a nap and spend the rest of the day with a good book. As it is, coffee exists.

This entry was originally posted at https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/237067.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.


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