Friday Five plus RL, or six things make a post

Apr 23, 2021 13:32

I took a badly needed Day Off a few days ago, and spent it in bed with a book. It was glorious. Also, apparently the focus and pressure of tasks needing to be done is the only thing keeping me awake, because without it I was only good for about half an hour at a time before I dozed off again. Still, glorious.

However, since then I've been feeling not at all the thing. I'm convinced half of it is psychosomatic; my body quite liked not having to do anything for a day, and would like to do more of it. The cranky tummy could be due to the headache, which could be due to the usual neck+shoulder muscles. And the chills -- well, it's spring in Michigan, which means that yesterday it was snowing and it's supposed to be 80 on Tuesday, so adapting to the temperature is a joke anyway. But there does seem to be a little more going on than that. Pretty sure it's just a cold and not Covid (and won't it be nice when we don't have to add that caveat anymore?), but I'm going to take it easy and eat comfort foods for a while regardless.

I actually managed to see the Friday Five on a Friday and for once have the leisure to answer it, so I will:

1) Where's your favorite place to go connect with nature?

I suspect this list was written by a city dweller. Uh, my back yard? Or perhaps going for a walk around the pond, and seeing where the deer have trampled paths for themselves this year. The woodchuck and muskrats have made a heckuva mess of the bank on the west side, but as long as they keep to the parts I don't have to mow, we're all good here.

2) What's a disposable thing that you've found a use for?

You know those packages with the plastic blister mounted to a boxboard backing? Peel the plastic off, flip it over, and it makes a great paint mixing tray for small craft projects.

3) Where does your community need [to be] de-trashed?

By "community" I assume they mean in town; our town is actually fairly tidy. But may I just rant briefly about people treating the country roadside like a public trash dump? It's time for the annual post-winter patrol of the road-edge of the property, during which I will collect beer cans, fast food wrappers, and assorted other garbage that people have disposed of by flinging it out their car windows as they barrel past. Sometimes the garbage includes bills or other items with identifying addresses, and no, I haven't yielded to the temptation to return them to the owners along with everything else I've collected, but that time may yet come.

4) What's your favorite flower?

Irises are beautiful, and both periwinkle and wood violets are very pleasing to my eye, which is good considering their prevalence in the lawn. (We have both the traditional purple wood violets and several variations on white ones, some with purple striations.) But I think I will have to go with the lowly dandelion. They're bright, cheerful, and tenacious as all hell. How can you not admire that?

5) What positive change do you wish we'd all make?

List writer was clearly going for an ecology-related change, so I'll limit it to that. You know, I think I would be fairly happy if people would just keep their trash to themselves until they got to an appropriate place to dispose of it. And perhaps recycle the things that are fairly easy and efficient to recylce, like paper. I know recycling has its own set of issues, but some of it works pretty well, and yet so many people don't even bother to do that.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

meme, rl

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