March Word Count

Apr 12, 2021 23:02

How is it the middle of April already? When did this happen? (Do not even ask about my taxes.)

So, March's stats, better late than never.

old-mission stories: 609
other original short fiction: 3225
Lightning Strikes Twice = 4852

Total new words in March: 8686

Hot damn! That's way better than I thought I was doing. Which makes me feel a whole lot better about the state of the writing, which is just the pick-me-up I needed right now.

(The "old" mission story is actually a new one, my characters during the pandemic. Not sure how publishable that'll ever be, but I like it, so it counts. The shorts include the rest of "Going Home" and all of "Tooth of the Matter".)

On the business side, 1 short story submitted and 2 queries sent. Which is not wonderful, but... well, there is no but. Just gotta sit down and do it, however discouraging it is.

Still, 8686 words! That's awesome. More of that, April.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

queryitis, lightning strikes twice, wordcounts, writey-biz

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