25 Days of Writing: Day 6 - Most Fun Character

Apr 12, 2021 12:23

6. What character do you have the most fun writing?

It doesn't get much better than Aubrey DeAugustine. Snarky, sneaky, always with a ready line in elegant bullshit and an exquisite nose for trouble, Aubrey is as much an ornament to any scene as he himself would modestly admit to being to any social occasion. He is deeply competent at all the things a spy should be competent at, and has an array of little smiles and shrugs that can convey anything from reassurance for an inexperienced partner to impending dismemberment or worse to an adversary. He can be dapper in the midst of a bar fight, but can morph into casual, sleazy, or highly-dubious when the situation calls for it. Come to think of it, he's dapper in those situations, too; Aubrey is dapper by both default and design.

He's been at this business long enough to know a great many people and places, which is wonderfully useful for a writer wanting to slip a little exposition into the dialogue. He's also been at this long enough to tend to withhold information by spinal reflex, which is wonderfully useful for a writer who doesn't want to give too much away just yet.

And he has marvelous depths. Beneath that dapper and dashing exterior, he feels certain things very deeply. He may express them, when forced to express them at all, through understatement and implication, but that only makes it more fun to winkle those admissions out of him.

This entry was originally posted at https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/235810.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

25 days of writing, kitchen sink, lightning strikes twice

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