Cause I needed more to do

Jun 06, 2019 22:45

Any day that starts with a police siren in the front yard is not likely to be a good day.

Somebody put their car off the road into the yard. Or rather, they left the pavement a hundred or so feet up the road, shattered the timber-and-packed-earth berm that forms the side of the front flower bed, snapped the 4x6 mailbox post like kindling, knocked loose the landscape timber bordering the other side of the driveway, gouged a foot-deep trough in the ground beside the neighbor's driveway, crashed into the rock-pile on the other side of that (tumbling aside a rock that had to weigh 150 pounds), and took out ten feet of old, long-established lilacs.

Whether a tie rod broke or the driver just zoned out and lost control depends on who you ask. I don't really care; neither lessens the astounding amount of work I just acquired. Especially the mailbox; digging out the remains of the post -- and the 80 pounds of concrete it's set in -- is going to be a sonuvabitch. Whatever the proximate cause, given the amount of damage and the total absence of skid marks, I find it hard to believe the driver was going anything like the speed limit, and she certainly never hit her brakes.

So I spent the whole day today doing the "easy" repairs, like filling and reshaping the torn-up lawn, and transplanting flowers that got ground aside but not entirely destroyed. Balloon flowers are tough customers, let me tell you. This weekend, the housemate and I will get to rebuild the flower bed, and replace the mailbox. Oh joy.

This was *supposed* to be the day I took the kitten for his adoption-day celebratory walk, but instead he spent the morning hiding in the housemate's bed. There were scary noises in his yard! And strange people in his driveway! Oh noes!

I'm actually more annoyed about that than about the damage.

And I'm pretty annoyed about the damage, or more specifically, the several days I'm going to lose to dealing with it. Because it's not like I had days just sitting around waiting for something to fill them.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

house, rant

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