The Halloween cookies are done.

Nov 06, 2018 22:41

So, I'm NaNoing.

I don't remember being quite this fed up with it this soon, the last time. Day 1 went okay, a bit of slogging but overall productive, but by Day 2 I was thoroughly sick of the whole thing and wondering why I ever started.

Part of the problem has been that the things I've been doing to try to get myself into the right headspace have turned into chores instead of fun. Cramming in Avengers and Doctor Who (Roger Delgado Master, of course) instead of watching my newly-acquired Season 3 of Lucifer, for instance. Listening to Cabin Pressure was definitely on that list, which usually accompanies making cookies, but trying to fit a batch of my insanely time-consuming cookies in with everything else I had to do was, well, insane. It was a huge weight off when I finally decided that no, I didn't have to make cookies before November; but then "don't have to" turned into "not allowed to" and one more thing NaNo meant I couldn't do. And that was just making me resent the whole thing before I even started.

Hence making the cookies after all. For Halloween, which got done November 5th. Yeah. But they'll still taste good.

And Season 3 of Lucifer is coming along nicely, thank you.

So one of the lessons I get to learn this NaNo is how to tell when pushing through is called for, and when taking a break and just having fun is the right approach. This is a tough one, since for me NaNo is all about continuing writing when I feel like I'm done, and finding that second (or third, or fourth) wind.

That, and how to tackle such a large project when the universe seems determined to throw things at me. The car particularly seems to be its instrument: I lost part of a day early on to finally getting the leaky tire fixed; now I need to lose half of another to having a coolant leak seen to. And the usual epic list of stuff continues. Heck, I've been trying to get to this journal post for days.

Also, I voted today. It's discouraging that the "music to vote by" mix I made for... the first Bush II election? maybe the second?... is just as appropriate this time, as it has been every time since.

So, anyway, NaNo. Yesterday I got almost nothing done (should have just taken that nap), and today, while I did a thousand words or so (which is a lot for me), I'm falling behind par for the first time. And yet, I think going to bed may be the right thing to do. I'll probably regret it when I'm trying to make up the wordcount, but I'm not sure slogging for hours to drag the words out tonight would get me any farther ahead in the long run.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

food, music, nano2018, rl

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