It's that time of year again, when the state sends birthday greetings in the form of a hefty fee and extra paperwork. This year Michigan (and probably other states, but I can only speak for Michigan) is pushing the "Real ID" thing, in which the driver's license that's tied to bank accounts, utilities, and a host of other identity-establishing things has to be verified by a piece of paper that's sat untouched in a drawer for multiple decades. Because yeah, that makes any kind of logical sense.
The Real ID license will be designated by a gold-circled star in the corner. The first, most obvious question this brings to mind is, who flunked history badly enough to think that was a good idea? I went ahead and did it, because the process was painless enough and it'll be one less thing to deal with later, but also because I decided to embrace the irony.
I'm surprised by how uncomfortable I am at the prospect of having my little star ID badge. I don't have any ancestry that would make this personally significant, but first they came for whoever....
This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.