Goddamn it

Mar 05, 2018 15:48

Because I needed more technology troubles and more stress generally, I seem to have lost my cell phone. In a way, this is a ridiculous thing for me to be upset about, because I used it so rarely that it may have taken me as much as a week to notice it was missing. However, I am really upset. I feel like a terrible person for not taking better care; it's too little to be out by itself! And it's driving me nuts not knowing what happened to it.

I've tried all the usual where-could-I-have-dropped-it things. At this point, my only chance is if somebody finds it, turns it on, and either calls from it or answers it when I try calling it.

If I don't get it back, I'm not really out much in a practical sense; there are a few pictures I'd be sorry to lose, and the case I hand-made for it, while not brilliant, rather suited me. Opposite this is the fact that it wasn't all that reliable about telling me when people tried to contact me. But argh, do I want to know where it is!

If I have to get a new phone, I may go ahead and get a smartphone. Being able to look up a restaurant, etc. whilst out driving would be nice. I will probably utterly hate everything about modern smartphones, however, and getting one that has the lack of features I'll want will probably be a nightmare. Oh, joy.

This entry was originally posted at https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/171712.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.


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