New Cat Pics

Jan 03, 2018 16:22

After much struggling with the demons of file incompatibility, I've finally gotten my vet's office to post the "found" flyer for the new guy:

He's filled out a bit since then; his face in particular is rounder and fuller. But he's still quite a handsome fellow.

Feel free to spread the word; he wasn't neutered or micro-chipped, but anybody that friendly has got to have had people who cared about him at some point in his life.

Meanwhile, we're working on getting used to him. At first we thought we had this amazingly calm, super-affectionate cat who wanted nothing more than to curl up in a lap and go to sleep, but it turns out he was just exhausted. He basically slept through the first three days, but now that's he's recovered a bit, he's getting more frisky. He's still pretty agreeable and he seems very fond of us, but he'd really like to get out of that bathroom.

We're still working on a name; every time we think we've settled on one, it just seems to slide off. It doesn't help that we have one we both like that seems to suit him well, but we can't use it because it's too close to one of the other cats' names. So if you look at the pictures and a moniker leaps to your mind, feel free to comment!

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.


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