December Word Counts

Jan 01, 2018 18:56

I did the math last night to determine that I was only 111 words shy of quota for the month. And I tried, I really did, but it just wasn't happening.

Which, as it turns out, was okay, because I'd looked at the wrong starting number and was in fact already over quota.

Falling From Ground = 4832
Green Ring = 591

Total new words in December = 5423

Much of which is due to one impressive session of 1365 words, and another the next day of 925. Woot! Which makes up for some longer down times than I'd like, but I'll take it.

I did get the new story back, and sent it right back out.

No queries sent, but I researched and crossed off four agents. I don't really take the "don't query around Xmas" meme as gospel truth, but what with everything else going on, I decided to use it as a good excuse. Query-flurrying will commence again in January.

So, writing-wise, 2017 finished out on a pretty good note. Let's see more of the same in 2018!

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

queryitis, wordcounts, falling from ground, green ring, writey-biz

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