Just a glimmer, but there it was

Aug 02, 2007 13:27

It's so good in fact that I posted my oh-so-sexy Xena, Warrior Princess-like photo of me at the waterfall I visited while in Maine last week. It's a bit of a vanity shot, I know, but hey, sometimes you need to remind yourself how fabulous you really are when the world is handing you lemons. And the waterfall is very pretty and reminds me of the nice day I had.

So the other day I was reprimanded (albeit gently) by my very cool boss about coming into work on time. I work 10-6 officially, and am the only person in my NYC "bureau," so it's not really like anyone knows what time I come to work. (Except for that little problem of the time clock of the new millennium, instant-messenger.) So I have been making an effort for the past couple of days to be at work at 10 on the nose, or at least a few minutes after, not 10:30 or even 10:40 when I usually drag myself into the office.

Despite my best efforts, I didn't make it in until 10:30 today because I saw my friend Aibhinn on the street on my way over, and she was walking to her office, which is a restaurant she co-owns and manages, which just happens to be near my office. She also lives right near me. So we got to chatting, and the dear girl bought me a coffee and a muffin at Once Upon a Tart, which was so nice of her even though it's HER 30th birthday tomorrow. (She said it was because she didn't return a text message I sent her Tuesday. Everyone should be so nice about not returning texts!)

Anyway, we sat on a bench for a bit and drank coffee and ate our goodies and had a lovely talk about life and its pitfalls and pratfalls and how sometimes you get a series of crazy things happening all at once not only to you, but around you, and it's a wake-up call to assess things in your life and take control over what you have control of, blah blah blah. And just like that -- just because I had a nice, unexpected moment with a new friend on what could have been a regular old walk to work -- I felt as if the Universe might be swinging back on my side. Not that it has to! Not that I EXPECT it to! Nope, no attachment here, I swear. But it raised my spirits and gave me, if not a real burst of hope, than at least a glimmer of it. And I'll take what I can get right now.
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