Can July be over already, please?

Jul 31, 2007 15:50

I have been trying not to watch the date lately, just hoping that this shitty, shitty month will be over and I can pretend that it was all just a bad dream. If I can get through today, I will have survived. Yay. I never really have good stuff happen in my life in the summer. For some reason, autumn is always a far better season. I'm a Libra; my birthday is in that greatest of months, October. I had an intuitive counselor/energy medicine healer in the SF Bay Area (yes, I had one, and he is awesome) tell me autumn is a powerful season for me. Summers I just usually hunker down until autumn, and then the weather changes and things get hopeful again.

Of course, I've also had some what I thought were great things happen in autumn that I'd rather now soon forget, so September has become a bit of a trigger month. And my mom died the day before my birthday in mid-October (it will be three years Oct. 16), so now that month is tainted. Shit. Does autumn suck, too, now??

And don't even get me started about spring. My three major break-ups in my life have come in the March/April time frame. So spring sucks, too. And winter is cold and contains the winter holidays, which I can't seem to summon much energy for anymore. So forget about winter.

OK, it's official. I don't have a single good season anymore. My life sucks! Wah. It can't be this bad...can it??

Let me try to be optimistic for a second, though--if something bad has happened in every season of the year, then that means something good can happen at any time, too, right? There. That's better. I'm feeling so much better now. :) August is going to be a great month, damn it! It HAS to be. I'm going to make it so.

In other news...anybody wanna buy a two-year-old West Elm coffee table? I'm selling it for $85. It's just too big for my apartment, and I purchased a lovely old piano bench yesterday to replace it. (I love the idea of having a heavy, weathered piano bench as my coffee table. And it's so much more spatially economic.) Here's the link for what I'm selling on CL:
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