Jun 04, 2009 15:49
So the saga freakin continues...I have my THIRD, yes THIRD interview tomorrow morning at 7:30AM. This is just craziness. I told them about my honeymoon, and they seem to be fine with it, so that's a relief. I have yet to break my Vegas trip to them, but I would likely just say it is a pre-wedding thing thrown by my family. They also want me to take some computer skills test this evening, which worries me a bit if it's like words per minute stuff.
Anywho, I have some mixed feelings about this job. It would obviously be a lot more money which means I pretty much can't turn it down. However, I don't know how my quality of life on the job would be. For instance, I'm not sure it would be acceptable for me to be blogging to my girlfriends and checking my facebook at work. I also would be assisting a woman who is approximately 50-60 yrs old. She said she is getting ready to retire in 3-5 years. While this could present a GREAT opportunity to fill in her shoes in a few years, I don't see my daily life being as "fun" as it is here. Right now I'm in an office that has little lanterns hanging from the ceiling, crazy over-decorated cubes, an average age of 27, regular happy hour outings, etc. And I don't know, maybe the next place will be like that too ,but there's a big chance it might not be. I've also gotten quite used to my office culture - being able to work the hours I want, not having scheduled breaks, etc. It scares me to lose that and have to be all accountable and on time.
But then I just remind myself that I will be making $1000 extra dollars a month, and I can afford to travel, live somewhere nicer, possibly buy a home in the not ridiculously distant future, maybe start a family, etc. And those happy hours, well I will actually be able to afford them 100% guilt free. So yeah, I pretty much can not say no to this job because I might not be able to be as lazy and slack off.
So now, for the third time, send me additional good vibes, because they've obviously been working! :) Can you guys even imagine how insane my life will be? New marriage, degree, job, all in one MONTH?! Holy christ.