Spaced out under the cut to avoid spoilers where possible...
Big Bang Theory - 2.17 - The Terminator Decoupling
Heeee, Summer Glau! She’s so cute. And rightly utterly creeped out by Howard.
LOL at the reference to Penny’s only chance to play Anne Frank. When Kaley Cuoco (Penny) was on 8 Simple Rules her character played Anne Frank in the school play. *geek*
House - 5.15 - Unfaithful
OMG! It’s the week of Scud (Jimmi Simpson)! He was in the CSI which aired in the UK yesterday and he’s in this episode of House!
Dog collar? He can’t be a priest, he’s the God of bingo!
Thirteen looks goooooooooooooooood.
Ew, close up Foreteen kiss.
Wilson has a Dr Bear!
Cuddy’s new office is niiiiice.
Why does anyone like Chase? (Seriously, if you’re one of those people… WHY?) Come to think of it, why does anyone like Foreman?
:oO sneaky fakeout! Can’t they actually break up?
House - 5.16 - The Softer Side
Why do I recognise the actress playing the mum? *imdbs* Ohhh, she was in Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion.
Are they ever going to put the new ducklings on the credits?
And Taub… why does anyone like Taub?
The patient of the week is a cute kid.
Finally they told the kid! Keeping secrets from your kids does not build trust. I’ve been there. (Different situation, clearly).
That wasn’t even a convincing hug Foreteen.
BitchMother! *sporks her*
Foreman, when Thirteen says she’s not okay, say something nice, hug her, do something other than tell her to be honest next time. Men! This is what is likely to make her look for a woman instead….
Oh, subtle… dance + basketball = metaphor for bisexuality
House - 5.17 - The Social Contract
Dammit, another actor I recognise. Was he Chip in NCIS? No, apparently not.
Death to monster trucks!
Heee, Cuddy/Thirteen!
Ooooh, angry Wilson, that’s rare. He doesn’t usually rise above frustrated or irritated.
House’s jacket is the same colour as the lockers.
“You’ve apparently got this whole coat thing backwards…” *giggles*
*giggles* Mmmbop!
Tsk, Wilson’s a bad brother.
Depressing end to the case - a bunch of fakeness and lies.