Dr Who

Apr 05, 2008 19:09

That was an awesome episode!

  • The Adipose were so cute! I want an Adipose icon. Maybe the shot of them through the window of the nursery.
  • Donna's grandad is fab. I teared up a little at the end when he saw the blue box... hopefully we'll see more of him.
  • Donna went all Sarah Jane Smith!
  • Sonic screwdriver, pen and lipstick... what else? (Our vote goes for Pez dispenser)
  • Rose! I knew from the trailer she was back, but still... Rose!
  • The 'talking' through the windows cracked me up, as did most of the episode.
Note: they need to stop showing so many shots of Cardiff at night on Torchwood because it's getting more and more apparent that they're in Cardiff not London most of the time!

I think there may have been more but I'm too smiley to remember.

tv - dr who

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