Hazy Days

Feb 11, 2006 04:15

Well the last couple days have been pretty fucked up. Ultram (well, technically the generic Tramadol) is ok for pain, I guess. However, the brain fuzz feeling I am getting reminds me too much of Benadryl's braindead feeling. Some people call it fun, but I bet those people have few or no obligations.

Day one (well, I wait till night to take it, thinking I'll be drowsy) I take it and I end up somewhat jittery. Well, not jittery but awake and I'd rather sleep. It wears off, after 6-8 hrs, and I get a headache creeping up on me. OK, my mother took this for headaches, so logically withdrawal from it could result in a headache. Walking was somewhat of a challenge, I wasn't dizzy like how I used to be back when my ex would make me drink alcohol... but more of a sensation my balance was slightly off... I felt I needed to hurry while walking to avoid falling over. Or hunch over to avoid falling backwards down the stairs.

I take another dose, this time during the day, thinking that it would keep me awake like the last dose. Wrong. I start feeling groggy, then awake, then groggy again so I give up and go to bed. Like I need my sleep schedule to continue to be fucked up. Oh well. I awake with HORRIBLE muscle pains. All through my back and legs. Like I'd done a triatholon in my sleep. I've been taking Potassium for my blood pressure (how funny, it works better than my former Rx stuff!) so I don't think I should have muscle issues anymore (I didn't before, and muscle cramps are caused by low Potassium). I figure it's withdrawal again from this crap. I've looked up information on it and yes, that's another possibility.

If I don't eat when taking one (or take a couple tokes of our diminishing supply) then I do get nauseated. I have yet to actually puke but still it's not a pleasant sensation to have. I've also noticed it feels like I have a bladder infection because it's harder to pee, kinda like the sensation of needing to pee but there's an infection instead (though I know I don't, I have no other symptoms, and just was tested for one). And adding to the bathroom issue, I am now getting constipated. It feels like there's little pins and needles in my poop, scratching me on the way out (but only at the end, the rest is ok). Tonight I even was bleeding from the fissures. This is starting to piss me off!

Today I thought this crap was out of my system, but I guess even if you don't feel the effects, it's still hanging around. That's disturbing. I took some Benadryl because at the moment that's all I had for my sinuses. Well, once that kicked in, I oscillated between the pseudo-jittery feeling of being forced awake, and then being overly drowsy to the point of dozing off sitting up, and even dreaming. All in 15 minute increments. I'm not kidding, either. I checked my phone for the times. Needless to say, between feeling like this and my nose still bothering me (dripping down and making my throat sore) I rescheduled my dentist appointment.

While my husband went shopping tonight, after I'd taken care of little miss piggy, I talked to my mother and asked if she'd had any problems with this stuff. I told her how I've felt the last few days, with details about what I thought the side effects were, like feeling weak now, and the other stuff. I tell her other people have complained about similar problems with this medicine. Although, according to her, I'm making this ALL up. Because she and her cousin never had a single problem with the stuff, supposedly. Yeah, neither one are on it anymore so that's something to consider.

I'm definately going to talk to the dr about the side effects. I don't think something that makes me dizzy is going to help me be a functional mother and housewife. I don't feel safe driving, nor even carrying my daughter upstairs. I either want to sleep too much (or at the wrong times) or I'm sore in eveyr muscle from my neck down, and my arms feel weak (even holding a can of formula felt like it weighed a ton). This cannot be good. He already said we're almost out of options... I don't want to have to take more medicine to counteract the side effects of this one. I want something that relieves my pain without making me feel stupid, or making me dizzy or weak, and something that won't give me withdrawal when I've only taken 1/4 of the daily amount. Work my way up to 4 of these fuckers a day, in the span of less than 2 weeks? Doesn't that sound like it's got a problem with tolerance being built up too quickly? I don't want to get addicted to this. I had an addiction to codeine (and that shit didn't even help my pain, which this sometimes does).

Is it too much to ask for pain relief without being a fucking zombie? I guess so.
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