(no subject)

Nov 06, 2004 02:37

Well, Dustin and I made it back to Arcadia safe and sound. The drive home was crazy: a big wreck that caused lots of traffic, but it was actually on the north-bound part so we made it through pretty quickly. Traffic was backed up for MILES on the north-bound. yeesh. Then MORE traffic right after Ellington, only two exits from home. Damn road construction. It was pretty much dark by the time we got home, but I was thrown into shock. Even in the darkness, I could tell that the few trees left in town are just skeletons. The 15 minutes on 70 prior to Arcadia the trees were just so ugly. That drive used to be soooo pretty. DAMN YOU CHARLEY, FRANCES and JEANNE!

No time to stop at my house, so we drove straight up to the high school. Traffic was crazy (yes, even in Arcadia) because of the game: DeSoto vs. Hardee, the longest rivalry in the state. Plus, we were the only two undefeated teams in the state, coming into the game. Who could have imagined? So I ended up having to park on the band field, which was mighty convenient.

Saw Sulzman walking towards the golf cart, so I started teasing him "Can't you do anything right?" He didn't even have to look up, he already knew who it was. LOL. So after fiddling with it for a bit, he gave me a long hug and I introduced him to Dustin. Inside the band room was WEIRD. I didn't know anyone... I'd forgotten that it was Senior Night, so all the seniors were at the field already. Like three people came up to me, Shane, Jessie and Candy. It was very sad.

Breaking into bullets for a while, otherwise this entry will be massive:

+ Ashley chopped her hair off. No, really. It's spikey. But it fits her personality perfectly and I think it's adorable.
+ I saw lil' bro Devin on the football field doing his photographer thing and was squirming in my seat I was so excited to see him. Gave him about a million hugs when he finally came to sit with me.
+ Laughed at Ashley's hilarious hijinxs on the drum major stand and talked with Jen Ferris and Tiffany Scott (woo boy, do I feel old now!).
+ Got conned into climbing to the top of the press box again, after Sulzman tried to make me record the halftime show. I made Dustin do it so I could watch ;).

Their halftime show is the best I think I've ever seen Desoto do. It's a Blues Brothers theme and they're all just having so much fun with it. Ashley and Brittany (drum majors) wear black suits, ties, hats and sunglasses, and the rest of the band wears their regular band uniforms plus black hats and sunglasses. At one part they all go on their knees to show off a low-brass feature. Then another section the all do improv dances during song breaks. Shane told me to watch him, and I about died laughing as he did the horse, some weird knee-jerk movement and then THE ROBOT. I about died on the robot. Ah, that kid is hilarious.

I didn't cry this time, but boy, I miss that band. I'll go into feelings in other entry though.

Oh, and we lost the game. It was really really confusing because the scoreboard got blown away in Charley, so we were having to try to keep track with the announcer. I think the game finished 12-7 Hardee, but I could be wrong. We played SOOOO well though. it was 6-0 with Hardee winning one minute before half. The 'Dawgs were able to answer with a touchdown and an extra point within that minute.

Why can't the Gators play like that?

sulzman, arcadia, devin, blazing blue, dustin, hurricanes, band

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