(no subject)

Aug 04, 2004 00:24

And I'm infatuated again. Wow... I forgot what this felt like. It's been so long since I've actually had a crush. Way too long have I been chasing the love that wasn't going anywhere. Of course, there's no clue if this one will go anywhere either. Life is funny like that. So maybe this transition will help me get over said love. That would be grand.

Tonight was great. I went bowling with Alli (as her "significant other" haha) and Patrick, along with Alli's lab group and professor. It was definitely good times. Alli and I kicked Patrick's ass. I got a 99 the first game (the AGONY) and then the second game Alli and I TIED at 106. We're so awesome =). I'd never gotten above 100 without bumpers, so I was stoked. They were playing rock104 in the bowling alley and Matt said something about: "Thanks for listening guys, it's been a great run..." and Alli and I just looked at each other and pouted. So we decided to go say hi to him. Alli and I remembered the code to the station, so we busted in without him knowing. We tried to call and request a song from the hallway, but he didn't answer. ALAS. Good times, as always.

I came home and studied for a bit and then Waxlax came to pick me up. We got some food (I'd skipped dinner... whoops) and then I watched him pack up his stuff. All the beer bottles around their kitchen are gone... it looks so weird. So then Scafidi came in a challenged me to another game of soccer. He asked me what team I wanted him to be and I made him be France. "Can you boycott your own team?" I asked. LOL. I came THIS close to beating him the first game... he scored in the last 3 seconds so we tied 9-9. Waxlax was still packing, so it was round 2: West Germany vs. France. And I KICKED his ASS. Well, it was 6-4, but still. I WON! AHHHHH! I of course had to rub it in a bunch... he went in his room and hid ;). I wrote on their message board: "West Germany OWNS France."

Ahhhh... good times. Sounds like I'll be staying in Gainesville Saturday night afterall. Alli is having a party and says I can just stay at her place afterwards. This is good, because my parents were going to be in Orlando that night anyway (and I'd rather not return to Arcadia to an empty house). Rock.

Finally, Brendan and I were having a hilarious conversation about a bug he found in his house. I think it's worthy of posting (under an LJ-cut, for all of you nice folks).

acrashofrhinos: There is a large bug in my house
Disco Lizita: trying to attack you?
acrashofrhinos: no
acrashofrhinos: but it's big enough to eat a baby
acrashofrhinos: ...in one bite
Disco Lizita: I'd be scared.
acrashofrhinos: it started to charge me
acrashofrhinos: but then I showed him that I weild a plastic bag
acrashofrhinos: and it -- for some reason-- ran away
acrashofrhinos: it's a quirky monster bug
Disco Lizita: lol...
Disco Lizita: it knows the power you have.
acrashofrhinos: now it disappeared
acrashofrhinos: should I be scared?
Disco Lizita: yeah, it's planning a secret attack, OF COURSE!
acrashofrhinos: SHIT I FOUND HIM
Disco Lizita: KILL IT!
Disco Lizita: KILL IT!
acrashofrhinos: ... he looks to be carrying a large peice of lint
Disco Lizita: what the hell?
acrashofrhinos: is this some sort of pre-battle bug ritual
acrashofrhinos: and he's gone again
acrashofrhinos: i found the reason for the attack
acrashofrhinos: one of his kind had fallen under the tyranny of my sandal-- unbeknownst to me
acrashofrhinos: he's out for his damned buggy revenge
acrashofrhinos: .... I feel responsible
acrashofrhinos: i killed this friend of his
acrashofrhinos: i may enlist the help of my mercenary cat
acrashofrhinos: but I doubt he cares enough about anyone else
Disco Lizita: ack, I gotta go.
acrashofrhinos: i hate you.
Disco Lizita: GOOD luck with your defenses
acrashofrhinos: leaving me alone in this predicament
Disco Lizita: call me if you need the added military force of my.... toothpick collection.
acrashofrhinos: I may

And then he called me and talked to me as I walked out to Waxlax's car. Ahhhh... I love Brendan! He better come visit me this Fall as planned.
The End.

quotes, scafidi, nintendo, waxlax, brendan

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