May 01, 2006 16:08
Where will Liz be from May 11-15??
In New Hampshire, visiting Sarita at Dartmouth! Just purchased my plane tickets.
Woo! FINALLY! After four years, I'll finally get to visit my best friend up in her neck of the woods. Get to see how different her college experience has been from mine. Finally get to see all the places and people she's talked about.
Just in time too, since she graduates in June. But the good thing about that is she'll be back in Arcadia for most of the summer, and she's already said she plans on coming to spend some time with us in Gainesville. Woo!
Yay for traveling! Boo for flying, because planes scare me, but yay for travel! I'm flying into Boston too, so might work out seeing Waxlax somehow. We'll see!