awesome night

Aug 04, 2005 01:39

My ears are fucking ringing like never before. Good god, the Purple Porpoise was loud tonight!!!

But it's ok, because I FINALLY got to see my boys Ten13Concept again, after nearly a year and a half! Holy crap, that's a long time. Only three of the members I saw last Spring were even in the band the last time I saw them. lol.

So anyway, Mike (meagles5) commented in my previous entry about the show and I was like: "Hmmm, sure, why not?" So I called up Mishy and invited her. Neville was in town, so she said she'd bring him along too. I talked to Joe, Mike's brother/lead singer for the band, online earlier tonight and he said he had a proposition for me and he'd talk to me at the show. Suspicious!

We arrived at the Purple Porpoise around 10ish, I got carded and the girl obviously read something wrong because I have two lovely red circles on my hands instead of nasty black Xs. Of course, I don't really drink, but hey. Mishy saw Becca Y. so we started chatting with her and she said: "The guys are going to be so happy to know 'the INsite girl'" is here. For those behind, I included T13C in my "Top 10 Local Bands" story and they've been getting lots of press in INsite lately (*nudge nudge*). So about that time Mike and Joe spotted me, so I got mauled with hugs and then they went ahead and hugged Mishy and Neville too. haha.

So then the proposition. First of all, T13C won a Battle of the Bands contest in Ft. Lauderdale last week, which won them a spot on the Warped Tour in Pompano beach. Mike and Joe invited me to go with them to the Warped Tour to write an article on it. They'd get me in, the whole deal. Now, for me, a budding hopeful music journalist, this was like the coolest thing anyone had ever offered me. And I had to fucking turn it down because my mom will be in town to clean my apartment (which is her own neurosis, not by my request). I'm going to try to guilt her a bit tomorrow on the phone, because I really don't want to pass up the oportunity, but I doubt she will understand what it means to me. Regardless of whether I go or not, I'm still going to pitch the idea to my Editor and then I can just interview the guys. But it would be a whole lot cooler to get to go experience it for myself. *sigh*

So first of all, this was a weird group of musicians to put together. First Mama Trish, who is more of a coffee-house singer, then Moe whatever who's this crazy-ass comedian singer, then the... Dollyrots was it?... also from the Warped Tour. I didn't really like them, but it was cool to see a female drummer and a female lead singer/bass player. Even if I'm a better bass player than her ;) Or something like that. During the Dollyrots set these crazy drunk guys started moshing. While holding entire pitchers of beer. And nearly plowing down anyone in their path. This is the Purple Porpoise for Bob's sake. LOL. It was comical to say the least. Then the bar owner came out with a mop and made them mop the floor, which was also classic. Plus there was this older guy with a mullet who tried to mosh with the guys, pretty much just getting his ass kicked in the process. Unfortunately, he put his arm around me and touched my hip at one point. Ewwww...

Also funny: Laura, one of my two directors from concert band this past spring was there. I think she recognized me, but I don't think she could place why she recognized me. LOL. She was also one of my camp counselors when I went to UF band camp waaaaay back in the day, so it's funny to run into her at bars now, even if it was a T13C show (T13C gets a lot of support from the UF band since Mike used to be drum major, did grad school in the music program, etc).

FINALLY it was time for T13C. I was BLOWN away at how much they've improved in the past year. I mean, they were good when I saw them last (or obviously I wouldn't have included them in my Top 10), but WOW. I was seriously left speechless. They're super solid now, and I can completely see them absolutely rocking the Warped Tour. It made me really, really sad that my mom is coming this weekend. I would love to be there to witness it. Thanks to Mike for the lovely shoutout on one of the songs... I almost missed it!!! And for all the winks and smiles from Mike and Joe throughout. You guys rock =) Plus the other trumpet player picked me to rock out to once, which was funny. Other than the crazy moshers returning, and the silly freshmen(I assume) girls trying to dance as if they were at a club, it was one of the best shows I've been to in a long time. The energy was just amazing, and I was so proud to see how much they'd improved.

I got hugs from a very sweaty Joe and a very sweaty Mike afterwards, and then Mishy, Neville and I left. Neville was really impressed, he even went up and shook Mike and Joe's hands afterwards. Yay, I got you guys more fans! haha.

*crossing my fingers I can talk some sense into my mom*

shows, warped, mishy, t13c, bands

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