Happy Independence...

Jul 05, 2005 01:38

For some reason, July 4th is a holiday I always like to reflect on. I always like to remember where I was or what I was doing in years past. So here we go...

Six or so years ago, Katie, Blake and I were harrassed by the infamous "umbrella man" on Englewood beach, as we watched a neighbor setting off illegal fireworks (thanks for the text-message reminder, Katie. lol).

Three years ago I was at the Biltmore Hotel, watching the fireworks with my fellow UM Summer Scholars. That's a moment I will never forget, sitting around with my journ-crew and laughing at sitting on towels in the mud and having ashes fall on us the fireworks were so close. Then walking back to the bus through the mud, and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes while we waiting forever for the buses to come. But I didn't care, because I was getting to chat to Aaron and Jenn the whole time. I really miss both of them... I wish Aaron hadn't dropped off the face of the earth, it was great when we used to talk on the phone all the time =(.

Two years ago, Dustin and I were walking back from the Reitz, enjoying our second week at Gainesville, when the fireworks caught us off-guard. Meanwhile, in a dorm nearby, Laura and Cody... hahahaha. I'll keep that as an inside joke, I suppose. ;) And no Richard, Laura and I still aren't lesbians!

Last year, Shylie and I purchased steaks and veggies and cooked dinner for Waxlax, Scafidi, and inadvertantly, Todd. We laughed at Scafidi and Waxlax manning the grill and made grunting sounds as Scafidi bossed Waxlax around. Then lots of people showed up for Scafidi/Waxlax's illegal fireworks show, which included roman candles being fired AT the crowd, from Scafidi's crotch, etc. And of course eventually, Waxlax had lighter fluid which meant a bonfire in the middle of the Madison Pointe parking lot. Oh, how I miss those boys.

This year: Well, this year was certainly unique. I hung out with three different sets of friends. Last night, Dan and his crew. This afternoon, Devin and I went to a potluck at Allison's apartment, which was mostly Phi Sig people, with a few friends tossed in the mix. We watched Supertroopers and then talked for a long time. Then, after dropping Devin off, I headed to Shannon's party. It was awkward at first because some of her Miami-crowd people were definitely dominating the place, but Jonathan served up some great food and once they left I felt more comfortable. For a while it was just me, beckyaya, jmcptbackfire and shaynester, which was fun in itself. A very drunk Jonathan trying to juggle a tipsy Shannon and then both me and Audrey at the same time was amusing. Eventually Matt, Gayle and Matt's roommate showed up, and they kept me hysterically laughing for about an hour before they headed back out. Then it was just the four of us again... we're such an odd, but fun little group.

july 4th, nostalgia

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