(no subject)

May 20, 2005 12:49

There are these new specific memes that require you to tag people at the end to fill out your answers. Well, Oregon-Dan and Amy (my Constantine partner in crime) have tagged me three times in the past week, so I figured I should probably fill these things out finally. Check it out, you might be tagged... dun dun DUN!

I've been tagged by darkzebrahead
1) Total number of books I've owned? Wow. I probably own 50-100... I don't really ever throw things away, they just get boxed.
2) The last book I bought? "White Noise", by Don Lel..can't spell his last name off-hand (not the same thing as the movie at all).
3) The last book I read? Sula ... previous Oprah's bookclub, folks. haha.
4) Five books that mean a lot to me:
1) The Giver, by Lois Lowry: Read it once in 3rd grade and loved it, read it again in high school and got a completely different meaning and still absolutely loved it.

2) The Little House on the Prarie series: In elementary school, my mom read each one of these books to me every night before bed. I will definitely do that for my children someday, they really were great books.

3) Harry Potter series (namely the Prisoner of Azkaban) - the BEST books on the face of this planet, hands-down. Don't even try to argue because your attempts to convince me otherwise are pointless. I didn't get into them until the fourth book came out, then with all the craze surrounding them I decided to give them a try. Now I'm an obsessed fan just like everyone else. SOOOO imaginative and compelling. Sirius Black is awesome!

4) Walk Two Moons (Sharon something, I believe)- This is another book I read in elementary school and then re-read later. Good story, good humor.

5) Sole Survivor, Dean Koontz - the only Dean Koontz book I've read, upon urging of an ex-bf. Simply mind-boggling. Couldn't put it down the entire time. The TV-movie of it with Billy Zane sucked though. lol.

5) Okay! Tag! You're "it" now! (Tag five people and have them fill this out in their LJs.)
dizknee_phreak (haha, got you back!)

I've been tagged by dizknee_phreak

1. Total number of films on DVD/Video I own: oh lord... probably like 30?
2. Last film I bought: Finding Neverland
3. Last film I watched: Star Wars Episode 6
4. Five films I watch a lot, or that mean a lot to me (no particular order):
A. Pirates of the Caribbean
B. Lost in Translation
C. About a Boy
D. Donnie Darko
E. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

5. Tag five people and have them put it in their journal:
1. icutyou_b
2. baldghoti
3. beckyaya
4. latro
5. ellenneithernor

I've been tagged by dizknee_phreak

The Fandom Me-Me:
1) Total number of fandoms I like: Ummm... quite a few, I suppose.
2) My first fandom ever: Probably New Kids on the Block would have counted, but I'll just say *NSYNC to be safe.
3) My most recent fandom: Constantine Maroulis
4) Five fandoms that mean a lot to me: Harry Potter, Dawson's Creek, Weezer, Constantine Maroulis... uhhh... I'm out of ideas.
5) Tag 5 people and have them put this in their journal:


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