(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 00:42

Human nature is funny. I went to Chipotle for lunch and was quite amused watching people. Take for instance, the fact that if one person is sitting alone at a two person table, it is human nature for other single diners to eat facing the same direction as the first person there. Whether it's so that we don't have to face someone we don't know or if it's because we don't like having strangers watch us eat, I don't know. I broke the pattern because another part of human nature was overpowering this. I can't stand having my back to doorways, so I had to face the guy that was already sitting. Funny stuff.

Dave Lestock went walking by Chipotle, saw me sitting next to the window and came over and shook his ass in the window. It was hot ;)

After class, I submitted a class request form to get into JOU3110, Fact Finding, for Fall. Then I went ahead and declared my outside concentration as political science since I was already there. I felt accomplished. Then I got home and had my first assignment for INsite waiting for me, so I can see it's going to be a busy summer already.

I just ordered the first season of Airline on DVD. I am BEYOND excited. I love, love, love this show. They're having an Airline cruise and if 1) I had money 2) I wasn't afraid of boats/open water/sea-sickness and 3) I lived in CA , I would totally go so that I could hang out with Mike. I (heart) him. Too bad... they're filming on the cruise too so if the three variables above were different, I might have ended up on the show. *tear* Maybe next time they'll go to Key West or something. lol. A girl can dream.

One of my few UF band friends, Derrick, apparently won Drum Major. That's really, really cool. Derrick is adorable. I can still remember dancing the night away with him Fall '03. lol. Also, Urban Meyer is supposed to come talk at the marching band info session. If it weren't the night of the Green Day concert, I would totally go to the meeting just to meet Urban Meyer. I think Travis is going to go just for that reason. I'm jealous!

This is a random entry. I am done.

observations, phi sig, food, airline, band

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