(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 04:42

Well, half an hour to go before I return to DM once again...soooo... update! Went to dinner at the Alehouse with Terry, Michael, Shelcie, Elaine, Dalia, Simon and Jorge (sp). good times. We literally force-fed Shelcie a conch fritter...then had to reenact the moment in order to take a picture =).

Afterwards I ran up to Walmart to find goodies for Patrick. While shopping, I decided to get a few things for Dustin (my husband, afterall) as well. I got Patrick his very own phalic pillow (although he argued that it's green so it can't be phalic), a disposable camera, a barrel of monkeys, a key-chain magna-doodle thing (with I <3 Patrick already written), a koosh ball, a rubber bouncy ball thing that I figured would feel good for the arches of his feet and some minature rock 'em sock 'em toys. Plus, I had to get him some of those goofy huge sunglasses that everyone else was buying for their dancers.

Then for Dustin I got him a card (with some encouraging words), a koosh ball, a rubber bouncy ball and a barrel of monkeys. Finding him at DM was tricky since I had no idea where TKE was situated. I enlisted Patrick's help, since Patrick and Dustin used to be on SG together. Patrick ended up running into Dustin in the bathroom, so bingo! Dustin came over, I gave him his gift and he was soooooo happy. It was like Christmas =). Yay!

Lipsync got to perform again and kicked ass, as always. I love my bros. Now Amanda H. and I decided to carpool at an odd hour to be supportive. Must. Stay. Awake! Pictures:

Patrick (wearing the lovely sunglasses) and Nikki, then Patrick wearing the lovely shirt I made him.

Dance Marathon line-dance time:

Dustin, my "hubby"!

pictures, phi sig, dustin, dance marathon

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