Hello, all! I've gotten to that point in my legacy where the Legends have finally settled into their house which will most likely be permanent... for a while, at least. And decorated to my liking ...at least for half this generation. Whatever, we shall see. For those of you who've read my legacy, yes, I like redecorating/constructing. Haters to the left. Let's begin.
The front of the house. You can't see it, but off to the right is the garage. Just so you know. I kept the style of the original house, seen
here, because I like it too much to change it yet.
Welcome to their humble abode.
1st Floor
The entryway, pretty simple and boring.
That couch, for the record, is a favorite of Clove who we will meet shortly.
Next is the living room!
Also, here's a FUN FACT. When EA decided to screw us all over again and release another patch, Story's paintings that were hung up on the wall all disappeared. I was heartbroken. So to make up for EA's black-hearted life choices, with my help Story mastered the photography skill and took pretty pictures of everyone.
OTP. If I have any say (which I do), these pictures will never be taken down.
Directly across from the living area is the kitchen. Pretty simple. Only the butler really spends any time in here, so I didn't see the point in making it huge, though I love kitchen clutter. It is my favorite thing about sims, right after trampoline spam and sims' eyebrows. I regret nothing.
Beside the kitchen is the dining area. I really love it.
One of the many bookcases in the house at the foot of the stairs.
We have a lot of bibliophiles in this house.
Appreciation picture of the pose player. :D
Top of the stairs! Very boring.
2nd Floor
Boring hallway shot. I'm just being thorough, okay?
This is the main bathroom. Contrary to what you can see, there is a toilet.
It was really dirty, though, and I didn't want to try to include a dirty toilet and only get a weird angle picture. You're welcome.
This is Jude and Story's bedroom, and it has also kept it's original style.
I thought the "fairytale" themed set was appropriate.
This shot looks a bit boring until you note the door there.
Jude and Story have their own little balcony. It's their favorite spot to cuddle.
I KNOW, they're really adorable. It's also Roman's favorite place to read.
Next to their parents' room is Flynn and Quill's.
It is super small, but then again they're almost never there, so I figured that wasn't a big deal.
And yes, that IS a spiral staircase. You'll see where it goes in a minute.
This is the bathroom that Flynn and Quill use. I really love this bathroom.
And no, I do NOT feel bad that this bathroom is bigger than the boys' bedroom.
Well... maybe a little.
This is the twins' room. The style of their room was actually from a nursery in a house in Twinbrook.
I just really loved it too much to give it up. I haven't finished decorating this, though, so... soon.
Yep, the girls' also have a spiral staircase. Let's see where they go!
3rd Floor
Why spiral staircases? Because when sims slide down the railings, it's ADORABLE!
And this is Nara's room!
Yes, same style as her sisters' room, complete with dancing trophy, music club trophy, and her Mausoleum poster.
This is the girls' bathroom. Yes, they have a shower AND a tub. I spoil my babies.
Damn, I thought I was able to crop out the toilet. Oh well.
Also, bathroom clutter is amazing. Not as good as kitchen, but a close second.
And Flynn and Quill's room leads to Roman's room! You can see his first invention there on the shelf.
And Roman's bed! I kept his prom king trophy and his shop club trophy. I really love Generations.
This is Roman's adjoining bathroom. It's good to be king?
On the other side of Roman's room is the "Rec" room.
This is a favorite of Story, Nara, and Lyric's because it's where they paint/jam out, respectively.
Also, that is a turtle terrarium. It is also empty at the moment.
This is also where the butler sleeps. I felt bad at first, her not having her own room, but then she stopped cleaning and showering, so when she angers me I just send Lyric up stairs to jam on her drums.
All's fair in love and war.
This is from inside the garage, which I would not normally bother with, but- LOOK!
Another spiral staircase! Which leads to my favorite room of the house.
The man cave! Well, not really "man cave" so much as where Jude and Quill come to invent and discover potions. Roman also frequents here, as does Flynn to play Foosball. This is also the place where Quill sets himself on fire the most. Yes, the most.
There's also a dart board. This room gets used a lot.
I wasn't sure if horses could climb stairs (does anyone know?), so I installed a gate.
If it's possible, when Honey can jump over things, I will delete this gate and anyone who wants to ride her has to be able to jump over the hedge.
I declare this.
Honey's stable. She also has an extra water trough/feeding stack because I might be anxious to make sure she has all her needs met. Might be.
And beyond Honey's stable is where Clove, the German shepherd, lives!
Aka, the sweetest dog EA has ever pixelated.
He seems to be currently in the midst of a staredown with a bear-gnome.
We'll leave them to it.
Coming off the deck...
To the rest of the backyard! The hottub is usually frequented by the twins and Flynn.
The chess table gets a lot of use from Jude and Quill.
And Story, Roman, and Nara (aka, everyone but the gingers) swim in the pool.
I really wish I had their backyard.
Especially since this is the view.
That square, dorky building is the garage, and right here is usually where birthdays happen.
The ~hippest hangout is the trampoline. I'd include spam, but I'd probably get yelled at.
This is the view of the Legends' house.
In short, I really love their house.
This makes all the building and decorating worth it, yes?