Politics make me sad :-(

Sep 06, 2008 11:24

You know, politics makes me sad these days. It seems to be so hard to have a discussion about politics (especially online) without it degrading into a rather vicious mess of bad language, hate, blame, and nasty attacks on people, their intentions, or the supposed destination of the USA if so-and-so is elected.

Have we lost the ability to disagree without being disagreeable? (Someone said that recently in something I read and I particularly liked it - I apologize to them for not remembering their name to properly credit them!) Why is it so hard to discuss policies and positions about which we disagree without it turning into a denunciation of the people with whom we disagree? Politicians, of both sides, are not evil people. They may make bad decisions, yes - so do we non-politicians. They may not have all the facts on issues - neither do we. They may have ideas we don't support - Who says "our" candidate would approve of everything we're ever said or done? Why can't we start by assuming the best of our opponents and discuss our disagreements civilly? *big sigh*

I hate it, but I'm going to trim back a bit on my friends list for the next few months. I love the wonderful stories you all have written - They're brilliant, creative, fun, and a delight to read! But I don't want to go through the next two months being scared to look at my Friends page because sour political posts make my heart hurt and my stomach churn. I certainly understand the need to vent strong emotions, and I understand that politics tend to bring out those emotions. I'm glad the outlet is there, and I know it's validating to have others agree with us. I just don't want to be on the receiving end of the rant.

If folks are willing to have discussions that don't involve excoriating the other side and stay rational, resonable, and willing to allow the other side dignity & respect, I'll keep them listed (you, for instance, Neonhummingbird! *grin*) But, by your leave, I'd rather not read the rants - They make me upset, and I don't want that in my life right now.  It's not good for me, or for our national conversation.

Sorrowfully yours,

lj, politics

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