This 'N That

Jul 31, 2011 21:22

I've somehow managed to devote almost the entire weekend to reading (I'm behind on my Goodreads goal, and inherent competitiveness has kicked in), with the result that I feel like I'm just now coming up for air and my mind is still so full of fictional worlds and characters that I have no real interest in what's going on in the actual world around me. I should be back to normal tomorrow morning.

Finished Girl with the Dragon Tattoo this afternoon - really not the most pleasant book I've ever read, but compelling enough that I felt like I had to go through all the way to the end, and it's probably going to stick with me for a while. Just started on Lev Grossman's The Magicians, which has been on my TBR list for well over a year, and now I wish I'd gotten to it sooner. It's sort of Narnia and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (but with college students instead of young teens) twisted up and turned on their heads, and it manages to both pull from lots of other ideas and still be original. In other words, I'd recommend it.

In other news, I have somehow managed to acquire a dog for the week. Technically, she's my roommate's responsibility, but Amy left this afternoon to go housesit somewhere else, so I've been left with Kali. I don't know if Amy is planning to reimburse me for taking over what is supposed to be her job, but at the very least I think she owes me dinner. Kali is small, and very nosy, and shrill, and insists on licking whatever part of my body is within her reach, but as dogs go, she's really not to bad. Even when Amy is home, Kali follows me around instead of her - I think she's probably sensed that I'm actually a cat person and is determined to change my mind. Or something.

I just got an email letting me know that this year's team is leaving for Ukraine on Wednesday. Part of me is jealous that they get to go to the Crimea this year without me, while the other part of me gets exhausted just thinking about undertaking that trip again. Whenever I'm tempted to complain too loudly about this ridiculously hot weather we're still having, I try to remind myself that a year ago I was spending two weeks of the hottest part of the year in a country that doesn't use much Central Air and thinks that we Amerikanskis have an unreasonable (and slightly unhealthy) obsession with ice cubes. (And yet I miss it all the same.)

Still in Job Limbo. I don't know exactly when they're shutting down "my" box office and I don't know when the other company is finally going to call us all in for interviews. I am hearing hints that others are assuming that the assistant manager position will be going to me, but I'm trying very hard not to count on that just yet. At the moment, I just want somebody at one of the two venue management companies to announce that they've actually made a solid decision of some sort.

housesitting, my life, books, work: box office

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