Jun 27, 2022 19:49

I just scrolled back through my friends feed, which was all colossal and comics and made it all the way to June 7 before there was an actual post from an actual person on my friends list (and that, one that I've never met in person and probably never will). So, I guess I'm not the only one being lame about blogging. I'm still writing my daily good things list on FB, that must count for something, right?

LJ is super buggy nowadays, which makes me think that the powers that be behind the LJ scenes are no longer at the wheel either. I can't get back more than 20 some posts on my friends feed, and none of my friends who don't have LJ accounts can comment on my posts, despite the fact that I have all my security settings set to allow anonymous comments, etc. It's a little aggravating. I don't know if I should bother finding a new blog platform. I have a lot invested in this one, including blog posts going back to August 2003, tagged memories, a whole photo album full of images, lists that I wouldn't want to lose, links, etc. Plus, if no one is blogging that means most likely no one much is reading anymore, and if so, what's the point? I mean, for blogging. Not for writing. I still find it a useful platform for writing. Gotta keep my hand in somehow, even if it's totally half-assed.

It's been boiling hot again today. It was 33C when I left work and the inside of the car was so hot, I couldn't touch the steering wheel or the ipad (that runs the Tesla) for several minutes. I had to open both windows and blast the air conditioning. Probably have to go buy one of those coated windshield blankets that you set inside. The whole top of the Tesla is glass, though, so not sure if it will help enough to just cover the windshield.

By the time I got home, the temperature was dropping a little bit and I opened all the windows and put all the fans on high. I even opened the front door to get a cross-draft, but wasn't able to open the porch door until several hours later because the sun and heat were still pounding on the back of the house. I just went out an watered the garden and the flowers, and it's getting cooler and there's a good breeze. It's still 28C but I'm hoping it will go down more as the sun goes down. Anders said tomorrow is supposed to be cooler. I sure hope so!

The little rose bush out front that goes bananas every summer is about to burst. There are a ton of buds just about to open. But I am worried that the big rose bush in the back under the trellis is done for. There is one little sad spray of leaves and the rest of the bush looks completely dead. :( It was also a champion bloomer, and had super pretty roses, so that's a bummer. It will be hard to dig up if we decide to replace it and start over; it's full of really nasty thorns. The snapdragons I potted are also blooming like crazy, they're so cool. I love them. I wish they lasted longer, though.

Anders is out in the back trimming the hedge. The fan are burbling, and I can hear birds chirping and a mourning dove cooing every now and then. The leaves on the trees on the other side of the neighbor's garage are rustling, and the sky is clouding over. Please be cool and not muggy tonight, please please. Let's go back to 72 and sunny, weather gods, hear my prayer. There are 80 people signed up now for the AIC Independence Day Summer BBQ/Picnic this coming Sunday, so 72 and sunny that day especially would be great. Amen.

thisisjusttosay, littlemisssunshine, beinglizardek

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